What is the name of the part you play with your right hand?
What are the small knobs you use to tune the instrument called?
Tuning Pegs
What note is the second string?
Which note is both the first and sixth string of the guitar?
What type of note do we say "Ta" for when counting rhythms?
Quarter Note
What is the name of the part you play with your left hand?
What is the small white part just above the first fret called?
The Nut
What note is the third string?
What note is the 5th string?
What type of note do we say "TiTi" for when counting rhythms?
Eighth Note
What is one of the names for the big drum you play using your right foot?
What are the metal bars that separates the frets called?
Fret Wire
What note is the fourth string?
What notes is the second string of the guitar?
What type of note gets two beats?
Half Note
What is the name of the big drum that is standing up on your right when sitting at the drum set? (It's one of the drums we haven't used with any of our beats.)
Floor Tom
What is the part of the neck called that has all the frets on it?
Fret board
What note is the first string?
What note is the third string of the guitar?
Count out the rhythm "To-e Ta TiTi" as a group.
Half, Quarter, Eighth Eighth
What are the names of the two smallest drums that we haven't used yet?
Tom 1 & Tom 2 OR Tom Toms
What is the name of the little white part that the strings are pulled over that is located down near the sound hole?
The Bridge
Which string and fret do you put your finger on to make the C chord?
First string, Third Fret
To make an Em chord which strings/frets do you put your two fingers on?
5th & 4th String, Second Fret
Count out the rhythm "Ta TiTi To-e" as a group.