what is bisexual
my #1 best friend on snap
what is abigail vick
my power point theme
what is our children with the harry potter characters
my rising sign
what is leo
what is rh*dy
my hogwarts house
what is gryffindor
my shortest zoom crush
what is 2 days long
my lilith sign
what is virgo
my biggest turn off
what is when they don't get along with my friends
blue background with the zodiac constellations
what is the pattern of my phone case
the latest i have stayed up on zoom
what is 3am
my least favorite sun sign
what is virgo
the only person i'm friends with that i have never been attracted to
what is abigail
my personality type (mbti type and enneagram)
what is isfp and 6w7
my favorite zoom filter
what is the christmas lights
my favorite sun sign
what is leo / what is sagittarius
the length of my shortest relationship
what is one weekend / what is two days
the color of my sheets
what is floral pattern
my favorite device to join zooms from
what is my personal computer
my least favorite placement on my own chart
what is my pisces venus
whoever takes this question gets a free 500! congrats
enjoy winning! (hopefully!)