Dad TV
Tom's Tastebuds
Music Man
Where I Come From
Tom's Travels
Childhood Trauma

While helping this child move, Tom got a bit overconfident and accidentally wedged a moving trailer under the ceiling water pipes of an apartment parking garage.

Who is Emily?


"When chairs spin, dreams begin... or end awkwardly."

What is The Voice


Tom’s lunchtime routine included sitting in his car to eat and work while listening to talk radio at this fast-food chain.

What is Sonic


Tom wrote this heartwarming song, dedicated to grandpa Bud. 

What is Windmill Man


According to Kern family traditions, the husband kicks off the wedding reception by pushing his new wife up the hill in this contraption.

What is a Wheelbarrow


Tom’s trip to this famously “magical” theme park nearly ended in disaster when he came close to losing his lunch on the ‘Mission: Space’ ride.

What is Disney World


When Grandpa Bud got tired on a family trip, young Tom had to take over driving through the treacherous terrain in this mountainous state. 

What is Colorado


At a party at Theresa's old house, Tom made a big splash—literally—by breaking this while jumping into the pool.

What is a diving board?


Two things you don't want to be in the wilderness: unclothed and terrified.

What is Naked and Afraid


Tom is on the hook for a therapy bill, after forcing a young Zach to try this “sour” German dish. 

What is Sauerkraut


This singer-songwriter, known for hits like 'LA Freeway' and 'Stuff That Works,' is a favorite of Tom’s.

Who is Guy Clark


Tom frequently performs with family and friends at this yearly festival in Nazareth. 

What is German Fest


Tom often visits this small Texas town, famous for its music and laid-back atmosphere, and is known for its historic dance hall and live performances.

What is Luckenbach Texas


Tom embraced his inner music nerd by playing this brass instrument in the band, proving that being ‘corny’ can sound pretty good.

What is the Cornet


Tom and Zach really teed off trouble when they drove this vehicle into a bridge railing, causing chaos on a million-dollar golf hole.

What is a Golf Cart?


Bidding blind: Where a mystery box might mean treasure, or just grandpa’s old socks.

What is Storage Wars


Tom’s favorite local family-owned Mexican spot, known for its delicious bean soup, is called this.

What is Los Amigos


Every Sunday, Tom heads to this bar to 'jam' with his friends in the AHA group. 

What is Lonestar


The infamous 'junkyard truck' has become a local landmark in Nazareth, thanks to this natural feature growing through it.

What is a Tree


Tom took the family on vacation to this historic car-free island in Lake Huron, notably remembered as smelling like a mix of ice cream and horse manure.

What is Mackinac Island


Tom’s childhood nights were often filled with unplanned adventures around the house, making him an expert in this nocturnal activity.

What is Sleepwalking


Tom used to tell us as kids that he was abducted by aliens, who implanted a tracking device in him, but the real story involved him crashing this 2 wheeled vehicle, leaving debris stuck in his knee 

What is a Motorcycle?


Welcome to the bayou, where the alligators have more teeth than the locals

What is Swamp People


On Friday nights, you could find Tom and Jennifer at this famous diner, where he indulges in chocolate pie and stirs the whipped cream into his coffee."

What is Waffle House


Tom and Jennifer attended the 50th birthday party of this "Mr. Bojangles" singer/songwriter in Austin. 

Who is Jerry Jeff Walker


Back when ‘supervision’ was just a suggestion, the Kern boys made this towering structure their favorite climbing spot.

What is the watertower


During a visit to Vegas for your Jennifer’s 60th birthday, Tom and Jennifer recreated a famous photo of Grandpa Bud and Grandma Rita at this iconic landmark.

What is Hoover Dam


Tom experienced a close call with carbon monoxide poisoning, which led to him passing out in this porcelain fixture.

What is the Bathtub


While others might stop to smell the roses, if you're with Tom Kern, you know he’ll always pause to inspect these crucial safety fixtures in commercial buildings.

What is Exit signs or Emergency Lights?


Where every road trip ends in haggling over antique gas pumps.

What is American Pickers


Tom’s go-to spot for a patty melt or chicken fried chicken, which relocated from Irving to Coppell, is known by this name.

What is The Diner


Tom recently performed this song at the Berger family reunion, with Jennifer singing the lead "clucker", a parody version of the song "Ghost Riders in the Sky". 

What is Ghost chickens in the sky


On the day Tom was born, the family poured the concrete slab for this building dedicated to the family business

What is The Warehouse


What country in Europe was Tom in when a elderly woman grabbed him and drug him through the city, hoping to set him up with her daughter. 

What is Germany


When he was 6 years old, Tom used this beauty tool to write his name on the walls of the newly renovated family basement. 

What is Lipstick
