What Staff usually does field as an activity?
Ms Jahpenda
Where is the quad?
What games are in the gamesroom?
Pool, ping pong, and Foosball
Who is usually in Power Hour?
Ms Kylie and Ms Emma
What should you do if you need to go somewhere?
Ask a staff
What balls are allowed on the field?
Where should you not go into the quad?
The parking lot
How many people can play ping pong at a time?
Who should be going into Power Hour?
Those who have homework
Are toys allowed?
What animals live on the field?
What balls are you allowed to kick?
How many TVs are in the gamesroom?
What are the two sides in Power Hour?
Homework side and free time side
How should you address/ call staff?
Mr or Ms
What are the limits on the field?
Cones and no trees or shrubs
How many basketballs are allowed in the quad?
Who is in the Gamesroom today?
Ms Sierra
What music do we play during power Hour?
Lo-Fi beats
Where do we go when we have a fire drill?
The field
How long can you loose your field privileges for?
A week
What are the rules for the play house?
3 to 5 at a time, no slamming doors or windows, no balls or equipment
Who was in the gamesroom for free choice yesterday?
Ms Sierra, Ms Jahpenda, Ms Lupita
What sites are you allowed to be on?
Clever, IReady, and prodigy
What do we do if there is an Earthquake?
Take cover, remain calm, go outside