The number on the back of Ichigo's jersey.
What is 15?
The famous art piece on the cover of the book.
What is The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai? [Great Wave is accepted]
The syndrome Sam struggles with after surgery.
What is Phantom limb?
The original name that was rejected for Counterpart High.
What is Love Doppelgangers?
The name of the graphics engine invented by Dov.
What is Ulysses?
Who "Daedalus" represents in ancient Greece.
What is the Builder of the Labyrinth?
[Maze creator is accepted]
The main reason why Sadie wanted to move forward with Cellar Doors as a publisher for Ichigo.
What is keeping Ichigo's genderless?
The type of control dynamic that Dov applies in his and Sadie's relationship. [Multiple answers accepted].
What is BDSM?
What is Teacher - Student?
The names of the games that offer Sam and Sadie another chance to start over.
What are Ludo Quintus and Ludo Sextus?
The name of Ichigo's little sister in the second instalment.
Who is Hanami?
What Emily Blaster is based on
What is Emily Dickinson's poetry?
[Dickinson's poetry also accepted].
The racial term that Sam was referred to as when he was living in Manhattan.
What is "little Chinese kid"?
[Chinese is also accepted].
The event that happens in the real world that gets the team to introduce something new to Mapleworld.
What is Ant and Simon's marriage?
The character that Sam uses to reinvent his persona.
Who is Mayor Mazer?
The murder of the character that the first Master of Revels was centered on.
What is Christopher Marlowe?
Where the phrase “the tamer of horses” comes from.
What is Homer's The Iliad?
The game show that made Anna Lee become a her minor celebrity within the Korean community.
What is "Press that Button!"?
What Sadie and Marx referred to their baby as before she was born.
Who is Tamagotchi Watanabe Green?
The event where the concept art for Our Infinite Days was rediscovered.
What is the Graduation office party?
Alice Ma's alter ego in Both Sides.
Who is Rose the Mighty?
The name of the patterned textile in Marx's mother's upholstery.
What is a “Strawberry Thief” by William Morris?
The character that Sam uses to tell the story of his pain, in the present and in the past.
Who is Alice Ma?
The event that gets Sadie and Sam to finally communicate years after Marx's death.
What is Dong Hyun leaving Sadie his Donkey Kong arcade game in his will?
The animal that Emily B Marks often saw shot dead in the Oregon Trail.
What is a Bison?