I originated in Italy, and I have the same colours as its flag…what am I?
Margarita pizza
IKEA was made here but it’s headquarters are in the netherlands
🇸🇪 Sweden!
What movie is the quote “You don’t choose the wand, the wand chooses you.” From?
Harry Potter
I’m thinking of a word that starts with F and ends in K and is related to Dalmatians
How much is G worth in scrabble?
I am the national dish in China
peking duck
LEGO was created in this country
🇩🇰 Denmark!
In Shrek, Shrek refers to himself as an onion, why?
because he has layers to himself. (You could explain it differently, it is up to the game master how you would explain it.)
I’m thinking of a word that starts with “p” and rhymes with “chalk”
there are 4 tmnt (teenage mutant ninja turtles) Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and… who is the other one?
I am one of Tom’s top 3 favourite foods and a cat who hates mondays likes this food as well. Can you name the cat AND the food?
Garfield and lasagne
I am the capital of India.
New Delhi
What is the villain’s name in Beauty and the beast?
I’m thinking of a word that starts with G and ends with L and u use sticks to play this instrument.
What were Einstein’s last words?
No one actually knows because his last words were in German and the last person to hear them was his nurse.
I am sonic the hedgehog’s favourite food.
Chili dog 🌭
I am the smallest country on earth.
Vatican City 🇻🇦
I am the sidekick to Han Solo
Chewbacca roooooooooooowwwwrrrrr!!
I’m thinking of a word that has 7 letters, starts with k, ends in n (place in house)
What is Bart Simpson’s real first name (spell it out loud)
What is Australia’s national dish?
Roast Lamb
This country owns the largest wind turbine in the world
In the emoji movie, the ”thumbs-up guy” actually has 4 fingers, not 5. (Including the thumb) True or false ?
You get the points anyway!
at the start of the Mario movie, where is it set?
Brooklyn, New York