What is Apocalyptic?
relating to the end of the world or great disaster
What is Garrulous?
excessively talkative
What is Sartorial?
related to clothing or style
What is Cantankerous?
bad-tempered, argumentative
What is Effervescent?
bubbly, lively
What is Wanton?
reckless, unrestrained, or without regard for morality
What is Ineffable?
too great or extreme to be expressed in words
What is Sybaritic?
luxurious, indulgent in pleasure
What is Phlegmatic?
calm, unemotional
What is Enthralled?
captivated, fascinated
What is Interminable?
endless, seeming to have no end
What is Obfuscatory?
intentionally confusing or unclear
What is Corpulent?
fat, overweight
What is Intrepid?
fearless, adventurous
What is Prosaic?
ordinary, lacking imagination
What is Delphic?
mysterious, unclear in meaning
What is Reproving?
expressing disapproval or criticism
What is Verdant?
lush, green, fresh-looking
What is Lachrymose?
tearful, prone to crying