Hi my name is Sam I hurt my hip
Pop goes Carolynn's knee and snap goes the back
Ooof Emily that's broken
Crackle goes Megan's Ankle...and there goes the hand
PA Student Shoulder Probs

Sam was once a young lass who presented to young PA Tony's orthopedic office. You perform ortolani test which is positive indicating that the patient has this abnormality

posterior hip dislocation due to infantile hip dysplasia 


Carolynn comes into the office stating that she was throwing the javelin and fell into a groundhog hole and twisted her knee hearing a pop after which she was unable to walk. She is worried after her boyfriend told her that he once had a similar problem and got the unhappy triad. She asks PA Tony what that is and he orders this diagnostic test

medial meniscus, ACL, MCL; MRI


Emily presents to Orthopedic PA Tony stating that he she decided to try open gymnastics day and attempted a flip when she felt a pop and her ankle gave out. She has bruising and tenderness to the posterior calf. What PE test should Tony perform



Megan presents to the office complaining of wrist pain. PA Tony knows to look for thenar atrophy and notes that it is positive along with a + Tinels. Although she insists that it is from writing too many flashcards PA Tony tells her the only proven cause is



PA Tony gets a phone call one day and with a terrified feeling when seeing the caller ID of M.Megeon he answers. She needs the answer to the jeopardy question...what direction is the most common for a glenohumeral dislocation



Tony enters the room to see Sam a 23 year old female who states that she was hiking and caught her foot on a root. She states she felt a sharp pain and now states she feels her hip catching. What does Tony tell her, her likely diagnosis is 

Hip Labral Tear


Lil lit (Carolitt) presents to PA Tony due to referral from her PCP for scoleosis. What is the MC curvature pattern and what degree of curvature causes cardiopulmonary compromise

R thoracic--> L lumbar and >60%


Emily calls up PA Tony to make up a jeopardy question. He asks her to tell him what the most common thumb fracture is 

Bennet Fracture 


Megan was very inspired by Charles Milch speech on staying fit in PA school and decided to go for a run. She tripped on a rabbit hole and told PA Tony she rolled her ankle and now has pain in her ankle. What PE Test should tony perform and what is likely injured

anterior drawer test and talofibular ligament


Ortho PA Tony decided to give teaching a try. So he tightened his tie and channeled A Baginski and wrote a question of the day on the board. "What is the treatment of clavicular fracture"

<2cm arm sling

>2cm surgery


As Sam grew to be a stylish plastic surgeon PA in her 60s...but tragedy struck. Sam had gotten a hip replacement from PA Tony 10 years prior and today tripped over her patient. Tony shakes his head and notes that she has a shortened right leg what is fixed in flexion, adduction, and internal rotation. What is the likely diagnosis

Posterior hip displacement


Carolynn presents to PA Tony after getting tackled in the legs in a snowball fight. She states her knee has been swollen and has a catching feeling. You order an MRI expecting to see this for the MC type of this injury

a white line through the medial meniscus


Emily presents to the office stating that she was mad about finding out her clin med test was cumulative and kicked a door. After reviewing her XR PA Tony states that she has the MC Jones fracture which is this type of fracture on this toe

Zone 1 avulsion of the 5th metatarsal


After hearing about how much fun Lindsay and Megan S were having in the faculty student football game, Megan decides to join. She runs in to tackle the professors when her finger becomes snagged on a shirt. She goes to the sidelines to see PA tony and he notes that she cannot bend her finger at the DIP joint. He tells her she likely tore this tendon and it requires this treatment

flexor digitorum profundus;urgent surgery


Megan S assisted Lindsay in the infamous tackle of the faculty member in the student/faculty football game and currently presents to PA Tony who is becoming concerned with the amount of orthopedic injuries at SC. Bystanders report her saying "this is for the pharm question about what incontinence med cant you use with glaucoma". She presents with shoulder weakness with shrugging of the arm and inability to fully raise her arm. Drop arm is +. What test should you order and what is the MC affected structure



Sam reached retirement at age 70. She got a new house next to retired PA Tony. Sam decided to decorate her house just like Bubbi (Sam's grandmother)  She layered throw rugs on her already carpeted floor causing her to fall. PA Tony who developed XR vision saw that her femoral neck was completely broken but not displaced. It is a Garden Class...



PA Tony was doing his weekly charity being a athletic trainer at the local high school. After throwing the shot put 30 feet (wow shes good) Carolynn comes to PA tony with lower back pain that is sharp with flexion, rotation, or sitting. Tony tells her she likely has disc extrusion which is this

extended disc budge with loss of annular fibers but the disc remains in tact


Emily calls up her friend PA Tony to ask him a question. She says that her teacher keeps mentioning this Spanish XR finding. After discovering its patella baja. What does Tony tell Emily this is an XR finding for

quadriceps tendon rupture


Megan was out for another run in her brandy new shoes with ankle support that was recommended by her orthopedic PA Tony. However it was rabbit mating season and Megan fell victim to another rabbit hole. Upon seeing PA Tony he diagnosed her with a Weber A ankle fracture. Where is it located and how is it treated

below the mortise non operative Weight bearing as tolerated


After a long week of studying Diara presents to PA Tony with a significant decrease in her ROM and tenderness in the shoulder. She states her shoulder has had worsening ROM over the past month but she assumed it was from doing the hawkin's test too many times in h/p. You diagnose her with adhesive capsulitis with these three phases

freezing, adhesion, thawing


Double Jeopardy!!! But about the Back...place your wager

Orthopedic PA Tony has a student. He says "tell me how you test for poor surgical outcome or psychosocial issues associated with lower back pain" Give me the name of the sign and the criteria


14 year old Carolynn presents to the orthopedics requesting to see the orthopedic her friend Sam who hurt her hip goes to. PA Tony enters the room and notes that the patient has a painful lump below the knee along the tibial tuberosity. Your exam is otherwise normal and she is of normal height for her age at 5'4 up from her last physical where she was 5'0. What is your likely diagnosis



Emily come into the office for her rotation with PA Tony. When she gets there he is looking at an XR of a distal radius fracture with posterior angulation. He tells her this fracture is called this 

Colles Fracture


Megan comes into see PA Tony to tell him that her hands feel difficult to straighter due to her callused hands that run in her family due to her Viking Heritage. He notes a positive table test and a visible pitting of her ring finger. What is the gold standard treatment

surgical excision


Lindsay presents to PA Tony after she tackled a professor too hard in the student/faculty football game. You explain to her she has a grade IV AC Joint Separation. She says that he is not doing well at explaining his patient education he tells her what it is and what its treatment is

posterior clavicular displacement through the trapezius with urgent surgery
