Light and Dark were separated on this day
Day 1
God did this on the seventh day of creation
This theory of creation holds that the "days" of creation are all literal 24 hr periods
Young Earth Creationism
Finish this quote, "in the beginning..."
God created the heavens and the earth
If you get sent here, you meet with Mr. Miller
The Mill
Fish and Birds were created on this day
Day 5
In Genesis, Adam and the Woman make garments out of this plant's leaves
This theory of creation holds that the "days" represent time periods, but Adam and Eve were directly created, not evolved
Old Earth (Day Age)
The Genesis 1 account contains a literary device called this:
This student was sent to the Mill yesterday through democratic process
Heavenly bodies were created on this day
Day 4
In this chapter of Genesis, we see a talking snake
Genesis 3
This theory of Genesis holds that Genesis 1 contains a parallelism in the form of ABC ABC
Literary Framework Theory
The first __ chapters of Genesis contain the pre-Abrahamic stories
This student, despite winning a chocolate coin, could not eat it due to allergy
Plants were created on this day of creation
Day 3
The old testament has this many books
This theory of Genesis says that the creation account was a historical even told in a mythical style
This prophet is said to be the author of Genesis
The Prophet Moses
This guy played the bass for youth group this Tuesday
The 7th day of rest corresponds to this day of the week
This book of the Bible is said to be the oldest
This creation theory holds that the days were literal 24 hr periods but they were separated with time gaps
Gap Theory
Genesis is the first of five books in this Hebrew collection
The Torah (Law)
This teacher has a name that is impossible to pronounce
Sotowhatsareal or whatever (the librarian)