This prophet led Israel out of Egypt
The Prophet Moses
The Israelites were exiled from their land by this nation
Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan for this many years
<1 (40 days)
This was Jesus' response when the Devil tried to get him to worship him in the desert during his temptation
"Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only"
The Israelites are led out of captivity from Egypt in this biblical book
This prophet lived in the wilderness and wore a garment of hair and a leather belt
Double points for both correct answers!
John the Baptist
This is the only book of the Bible that does not mention God
There are ___ more books in the New Testament than the Old testament
In the Gospel of Mark, the the soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with this spice (Mark 15)
This biblical book features a human burning furnace, a wild king, and a vision of four beasts
This prophet miraculously multiplied a widow's oil, he was the topic of last week
The Prophet Elisha
This New Testament author wrote the most content of all the New Testament authors
Saint Luke with 27% of the New Testament
This Biblical book is the longest book of the Bible by volume (it's not Psalms)
Before he kills him, Cain says to his brother Abel, Let us go out to the ____
This Biblical book contains the story of King David's rise to power
Jesus repeated the word of this prophet when He said from the cross: "My God my God why have you forsaken me?"
The Prophet King David
This is the shortest verse of the Bible in it's original language
"Πάντοτε χαίρετε." Rejoice always. - 1 Thess 5:16
This is the longest verse in the bible
Esther 8:9
This biblical Judge was left handed
This biblical book features a talking donkey owned by The Prophet Baalam
This prophet confronted King David after his affair with Bathsheba
The Prophet Nathan
This is thought to be the oldest book in the Bible
The book of Job
Saul herded this kind of animal before he was made King of Israel
Elijah challenged the evil prophets on this mountain
Mount Carmel
This book features the monsters named Behemoth and Leviathan
The book of Job