What is the first thing you should do?
Get wood
In what year did the game come out?
What year did the game release in?
Who sacrificed himself to save everyone at the end of Endgame?
Iron Man
What should you never do while mining?
Digging sraight down
What is the currenct season the game is in?
Season 9
Who is the most useless but most showoff character in the mcu?
Captain Marvel
What weapon does the most damage in pc?
The Axe
What other modes does Fortnite have?
Save the world and Creative
What is the name of the man who gave origin to these movies and comics?
Stan Lee
How many obsidian blocks are necessary to make a mether portal?
10 blocks (or 14 if you want edges)
What sniper does the most damage?
The heavy sniper
How many MCU moies have been released so far?
What is the final boss in the game?
The enderdragon
How many rarities are in the game?
What is the oldest MCU movie?
The incredible Hulk