This is the time that Thomas goes to bed every night.
When is 2:00 am?
There are two movies that Camden refuses to watch. Name one.
What is Coraline or Grown Ups?
This is Lauren's shoe size.
What is 7?
Will broke this bone one time getting out of bed.
What is his arm?
Ogden has played this instrument for 6 years.
What is bass?
Thomas got this flavor of Zyns yesterday.
What is citrus?
Including step and half siblings, Camden is one of this many children.
What is 8?
Lauren will throw up if she eats this type of meat.
What is fish?
Will invited a guy to stay at his house for a week, and instead he ended up staying for this entire season.
What is summer?
Ogden was studying this during his time at the U.
What is architecture?
This is Thomas's favorite food.
What is a hamburger?
Camden is slightly allergic to this fruit.
(hint: you can eat the entire thing, but you probably won't)
What is kiwi?
Counting biological and step, dead and alive, Lauren has this many siblings.
This was the division that Will was in during his time in the army.
What is the 82nd Airborne?
Ogden hates this common social sport.
What is bowling?
Thomas thinks he's going to eat this for dinner tonight.
What is a hamburger?
Camden used to eat this dairy product straight when his family wasn't looking at restaurants.
What is butter?
This rom-com is Lauren's favorite movie.
What is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
This person accidentally cut off the tip of Will's thumb once.
Who is his dad?
Ogden had this many beers during his most recent trip to Salt Lake.
What is 38?
Thomas needs to do this common chore currently.
Camden got his finger stuck in a Chinese finger trap for this long as a child.
What is 10 minutes?
When was her 8th birthday?
Will asked this type of person to prom, not knowing she was about that.
What is a mormon?
As of 4:32 pm this afternoon, Ogden was actively watching this 2013 horror/action movie with the following Rotten Tomato stats:
What is Sharknado?