Life Skills
At this age our frontal lobe has stopped developing, therefore if we drink before this age we are more susceptible to brain damage.
What is 21
When setting a personal goal it is important to keep these 3 components in mind.
What is it important to me, measurable (time frame), and realistic. Another possible answer is it "Positive"
When you get in trouble because your friend convinced you to smoke
What is Peer Pressure
This drug is addictive because of the chemical Nicotine.
What is Cigarettes.
The ability to understand and show concern for another person's feelings
What is Empathy
These 2 parts of the brain are mostly affected by underage drinking. These brain regions control our learning, memory, judgment, and decision making skills.
What is Hippocampus and Frontal Lobe.
When we form an unfair opinion or have an unjustified attitude about a person we are.....
What is Prejudice
Knowing that 80% of communication occurs non-verbal; we should always be more conscious of these 2 things.
What is Body Language and Facial Expression
This drug (acronym) affects the central nervous system. It causes black outs,drowsiness, confusion and lack of coordination. It is also referred to as a date rape drug
What is GHB
These are 2 characteristics of a healthy relationship
What is Trust, Honesty, Support, Respect, Open Communication
During this stage of underage drinking, the effects of alcohol begin to wear off causing cells in the brain to die.
What is the Hangover stage
Prejudice and Discrimination can be displayed in many different forms. Name 3
What is Age, Physical/Mental, Socio-Economic, Religious, Ethnic/Racial, Gender
To self-medicate, to take risks and rebel, to feel older, to fit in and belong, to satisfy curiosity, and to relax
What are reasons why some teenagers use drugs
These types of drugs are extremely addictive and can cause the following symptoms if abused: drowsiness, Disorientation, "out of it", severely withdrawn
What are Pain relievers (killers). Prescription drugs: Vicodin, Codeine, morphine
These 3 types of communication skills can either benefit or hinder our relationships with others.
What is Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive
A baby has a higher risk of developing this disease when born if the mother drinks while pregnant.
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
During this stage of addiction, users physically begin to deteriorate.
What is Dependency
When a group of people come up with as many different ideas as possible to help solve a problem they are doing this
What is brainstorming
This drug causes hallucinations, teeth grinding, sweating, and seizures. It also increases body temperature and heart rate
What is Ecstasy
The ability to accept other people as they are even if we disagree with their behavior
What is Tolerance
These are three ways society glamorizes alcohol.
What is through songs, social media (I.E. internet), ways it depicted in movies, celebrities produce their own alcohol, advertisements (colors, individuals, etc.)
Name 6 tips on how to de-escalate conflict
What is 1. Call the other person by name 2. Use a calm voice 3. Relax your body 4. Use words like "Let's" "We" "Our" and "Together" 5. Ask to hear the other point of view 6. Attack the problem, not the person 7. Brainstorm Together 8. Treat the other person the way you want to be treated
These 5 steps should be taken when having to make a major decision that will have a impact on our life and reduce negative consequences.
What is 1. Stop and think. 2. Picture a positive outcome. 3. List the choices and consequences (Pro and Con) 4. Act out the best plan. 5. Now tell yourself how you did.
These 2 drugs are stimulant drugs that may cause anxiety, talkativeness, sensitivity to light and sound, hallucinations,delusions and paranoia
What is Cocaine and Methamphetamine
When solving a disagreement in a way that satisfies both sides
What is Conflict Resolution