Life Skills

At this age our frontal lobe has stopped developing, therefore if we drink before this age we are more susceptible to brain damage.

What is 21


When we form an unfair opinion or have an unjustified attitude about a person we are.....

What is Prejudice.


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

What is Empathy


This drug is addictive because of the chemical Nicotine.

What is Cigarettes.


When solving a disagreement in a way that satisfies both sides

What is Conflict Resolution


These 2 parts of the brain are mostly affected by underage drinking. These brain regions control our learning, memory, judgment, and decision making skills.

What is Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex (Frontal Lobe)


Name 2 categories of influences that may persuade the decisions we make.

What is Values, Goals, Media, Experience, Peers, Family, or Emotions. 


Knowing that 80% of communication occurs non-verbal; we should always be more conscious of these 2 things.

What is Body Language and Facial Expression


Smoking (cigarettes/vaping) is the leading cause of this disease that damages lung tissue and reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the bloodstream

What is Emphysema


What is the key to many successful relationships that helps to navigate conflict and happy times?

What is Communication


During this stage of addiction, the user makes plans to obtain the drug. Normal behavior changes. Getting and using the drug is more important than all other interests, including relationships. 

What is the Problem Use stage.


The ability to accept and have patience with other people as they are, even if we disagree with their behavior

What is Tolerance


Name 2 conflict resolution strategies that require effective communication to find a solution. 

What is Win-Win approach, Steer Clear, Compromise, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff


This deadly psychoactive chemical is found in marijuana and is the cause of killing brain cells. It also alters your mood and may cause hallucinations, difficulty with thinking, impair memory, and in some cases cause psychosis. 

What is THC


Name 3 types of healthy qualities and 3 types of unhealthy qualities in a relationship 

What is Healthy: Trustworthy, Honesty, Forgiving, Supportive, Loving, Loyal, Good listener, Encouraging, etc

Unhealthy: Mean, humiliating, insulting, lying, selfish, bad influence, disrespectful, ignores you, physical abuse, etc


When young people drink, this effect occurs in which you experience complete absences of memory with no possibilities of retrieval. 

What is Blackout. 


When developing a short and/or long term goals, it is important when you create your goal it meets four criteria. Name 3

What is Personal, Possible, Positive, and Specific.


Name 4 ways to reduce levels of stress and create balance in your life. 

What is use positive self-talk, ask for support, problem-solve, exercise, use relaxation techniques, eat healthy, get a restful sleep 


Other than nicotine, name 3 extremely dangerous chemicals that are found in vape pen pods.

What is Lead, Carbon Monoxide, Benzene, Arsenic, Formaldehyde


These 3 types of behavioral styles that can either benefit or hinder our relationships with others.

What is Passive, Aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive


Alcohol can majorly impact our lives. Names 6 alcohol related consequence categories that can be greatly effected if we choose to drink. 

What is Academic, Consequences for Others Financial, Legal, Neurological, Physical, and Social 


When anyone sets out to reach their goal, obstacles can get in the way. There are two types of obstacles:internal and external. Name 5 internal obstacles discussed in class. 

What is Procrastination, Indecisive, Distractions, Disorganized, Fear of failure, Excuses, Unmotivated, Frustration. 


Name 6 tips on how to de-escalate conflict

What is 1. Call the other person by name 2. Use a calm voice 3. Relax your body 4. Use words like "Let's" "We" "Our" and "Together" 5. Ask to hear the other point of view 6. Attack the problem, not the person 7. Brainstorm Together 8. Treat the other person the way you want to be treated


These 2 drugs are stimulant drugs that may cause anxiety, talkativeness, sensitivity to light and sound, hallucinations,delusions and paranoia

What is Cocaine and Methamphetamine


Leaning in toward a speaker shows the person you are listening. Name 3 other active listening techniques.

What is make eye contact, ask clarifying questions, paraphrase, use affirming gestures (i.e head node)
