That, Which, Who
Adjectives and Adverbs

Which words need to be capitalized? carlos wanted to visit new york city on his own when he turned eighteen.

Carlos, New, York, City


Combine these two sentences using the correct FANBOYS conjunction:

Kyle plays football.
Kyle plays basketball.

Kyle plays football and basketball.


The kid is at the door.
The kid stole your bike.

The kid, who stole your bike, is at the door. 


Kyle ran on the track.
The track was clean.
Kyle ran quickly

Kyle ran quickly on the clean track. 


Skip loves to run.
Skip is my dog.

Skip, my dog, loves to run. 


Which words need to be capitalized? parker asked mr. deery if he could read the hunger games.

Parker, Mr. Deery, The Hunger Games


Combine these two sentences with the correct FANBOYS conjunction:

Kyle did not go to school.
He was sick.

Kyle did not go to school, for he was sick. 


Ted took his niece on a tour of the museum.
Ted was a history buff.

Ted, who was a history buff, took his niece on a tour of the museum. 


The child coughed because they were sick.
The child was young.
They coughed loudly.

The young child coughed loudly because they were sick. 


Philadelphia is a very famous city.
Philadelphia is where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed, is a very famous city. 


Which words need to be capitalized? on christmas break, i plan to go to oregon to see my family.

Christmas, I, Oregon


Combine these two sentences using the correct subordinating conjunction:

Henry wanted to go to the baseball game.
He couldn’t because he was sick.

Although Henry wanted to go to the baseball game, he couldn't because he was sick.


The carpet has moth damage.
The carpet you bought.

The carpet that you bought has moth damage. 


The teachers drink coffee.
The coffee was bitter.
They drink it slowly.

The teachers slowly drink the bitter coffee. 


My brother’s car is really nice
The car is a red convertible.

My brother's car, a red convertible, is really nice. 


Combine these sentences:

Halloween is a fun holiday.
4th of July is a fun holiday.

Halloween and 4th of July are fun holidays. 


Combine these two sentences using the correct subordinating conjunction:

You don’t stop going on your phone in class.
You won’t finish all of the work.

Unless you don't stop going on your phone in class, you won't finish all of the work. 


My copy of Lord of the Rings is very old.
My copy of Lord of the Rings is sitting on the coffee table.

My copy of Lord of the Rings, which is very old, is sitting on the coffee table. 


The woman walked around the block.
The block was large.
She walked daily.

The woman walked daily around the large block. 


Tim and Frank wanted to go into the army.
Tim and Frank are my brothers.

Tim and Frank, my brothers, wanted to go into the army. 


Combine these two sentences:

Dorney park is a good place to go in the summer.
The beach is a good place to go in the summer.

Dorney Park and the beach are good places to go in the summer.


Combine these sentences using both the correct FANBOYS conjunction and the correct subordinating conjunction:

Use: Which, and
The CEO was nervous to deliver her speech.
The speech was well received by the audience.
The PR team was given a reward for their speech writing.

The CEO was nervous do deliver her speech, which was received well by the audience, and the PR team was given a reward for their speech writing. 


Philosophy hopes to answer the questions of the universe.
Philosophy is studied at college.

Philosophy, which is studied at college, hopes to answer the questions of the universe. 


The students spoke while the teacher talked.
The teacher was quiet.
They spoke boldly.

The students boldly spoke while the quiet teacher talked. 


Some bold innovators are credited with inventing the airplane.
The bold innovators are the Wright brothers.

Some bold innovators, the Wright brothers, are credited with inventing the airplane. 
