Verbs, Verbs, Verbs
It all begins at point A
Negative Nancy
He is so ____!

Ending in -ION
When texting my best friend, Taylor, I want to laugh out loud at her joke, but I don't have time to type all of that out. So I do this to shorten the saying to lol.
What is abbreviate?
The Joker in the Batman movies would be considered this "a" word, or in other words "the bad guy".
What is antagonist?
The prefixe dis- as in disdain or distrust usually indicates negation. This "dis" word means to harm the reputation of, or dishonor.
What is discredit?
In the 2009 novel The Help, the character, Hilly Holbrooke, has an attitude of superiority. She thinks she is better than everyone else. She is so _______.
What is condescending?
One important quality of a good nurse, is this, which means to show sympathy or mercy.
What is compassion?
Part of the total grade for our group project is how well we work together or this word.
What is collaborate?
This quote "Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow", was said by this type of nameless, unknown author.
What is anonymous?
Not to be confused with censor, this word means to criticize harshly.
What is censure?
In the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore is well respected because of his age and wisdom. He is so ______.
What is venerable?
Soccer players often celebrate a scored goal by running around the field in joyous exultation. If you wanted to label this feeling, you could use this SAT word.
What is jubilation?
This SAT verb means to clear from blame or suspicion.
What is vindicate?
This SAT "A" word describes a person who is friendly and easy to get along with.
What is amicable?
To be bitter or hateful towards someone or something would mean you were resentful or this other word beginning with the same letter.
What is rancorous?
In Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore is a calm, mundane character. He is never excited. In all his actions, he is so ______.
What is nonchalant?
If I wanted to verify or confirm that the evidence used in court was real or substantial, I would be doing this SAT verb.
What is substantiate?
When somebody receives congratulations, they often receive high praise which is the definition of this word that is almost hidden in the word congratulations.
What is adulation?
When the teacher assigned an essay over the weekend, the class responded this type of whining, complaining comments.
What is querulous?
Kim Kardashian is always showing off how much money she has by wearing expensive clothes and jewelry. She is so _________!
What is ostentatious?
This SAT verb sounds a lot like the word in its definition, which is to imitate.
What is emulate?
If something is not in chronological order, it means it is not in the correct order by time, or it is out-of-date. It could also be discribed using this SAT adjective.
What is anachronistic?
Although beginning with the same four words as perfect, this adjective is far from meaning the same thing. In fact, you use this adjective to label the characters Brutus from Julius Ceasar or Mufasa from The Lion King.
What is perfidious?
In the movie Finding Nemo, Marvin (Nemo's dad), never gives up on his search for his son. He is determined to find him. He is so _______!
What is tenacious?