Motion and Forces
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Heredity and Evolution

What is Force?

A. the rate at which an object moves in a particular direction

B. any changes in an object's acceleration or deceleration

C. the interia and momentum of an object at rest 

D. anything that changes the rest or motion of an object 

D. anything that changes the rest or motion of an object


In a lab experiment designed to test the rate at which plants grow under artificial light, the kind of light used is which type of variable?

A. Dependent

B. Independent

C. Random

D. Responding

B. Independent


Which of the following chemical formulas represents the reaction in which copper (Cu) and oxygen gas (O2) combine to form copper oxide (CuO)?

A. 2CuO →  2Cu + O2

B. Cu + O2 → 2CuO

C. 2Cu + O→ 2CuO

D. Cu + 2O22 → 2Cuo

C. 2Cu + O→ 2CuO


Purple flowers, yellow seeds, and inflated seed pods are all dominant traits in pea plants. The recessive traits being white flowers, green seeds, and constricted seed pods. If a plant that is homozygous dominant for flower color is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for flower color, what percentage of the offspring will have yellow flowers?

A. 100%

B. 75%

C. 25%

D. 0%

D. 0%


Animals that feed exclusively on plants are called:

A. Primary Consumers

B. Secondary Consumers

C. Tertiary Consumers

D. Primary Producers

A. Primary Consumers


The birds in the picture below are able to pick out food from the fur of the deer. The deer will not attack the birds. In fact, the deer knowingly lets the birds rest on it.

What is the name describing the relationship between the birds and the deer?

A. Symbiosis

B. Adaptation

C. Competition

D. Homeostasis

A. Symbiosis


How many calories does someone need to eliminate from their diet in order to lose weight? First they should calculate their basal metabolic rate (BMR) which identifies how many calories they burn each day when at complete rest. After calculating their BMR, they can then use an additional formula to factor in their level of activity. There are seperate BMR formulas for men and womnen, and these formulas require three variables: age, height, and current weight. Here is BMR formula for women:

BMR = 655 + (4.35 × W) × (4.7 x H) − (4.7 × A)

W = Weight in pounds

H = Height in inches

A = Age 

A. Greater weight

B. Greater height

C. Greater age

D. None of the above

C. Greater Age


Humans can breed plants and animals to have useful traits. By selecting which animals are allowed to reproduce, humans can influence an organism’s genotype. What name did Darwin give to this kind of change in organisms?

A. natural selection

B. artificial selection

C. survival of the fittest

D. hybridism

B. artificial selection


Which law of motion states that a change in the motion of an object depends on the mass of that object and the amount of force applied to it?

The second law of motion


A. 1.89%

B. 2.1%

C. 18.9%

D. 21%

A. 1.89%


Tonisha is conducting an experiment to determine the effects of watering clover with liquid Vitamin B. One week into her experiment the average clover plant from her control group is 17.3 millimeters tall.

(1 decimeter = 100 millimeters)

(1 meter = 10 decimeters)

Convert this height measurement into meters:

A. 1.73 meters

B. 0.173 meters

C. 0.0173 meters

D. 0.00173 meters

C. 0.0173 meters


Which of the following is true about the frog?

A. It is a member of the Salamandridae family.

B. It is a type of amphibian.

C. It is a non-vertebrate.

D. It is closer to most tetrapods than most newts.

B. It is a type of amphibian.


The force of attraction that every object exerts on other objects.

What is gravity?


What is produced during photosynthesis?

oxygen and glucose  


Mechanical advantage is a measure of the force amplification that is achieved by using a tool, mechanical device, or machine system. The formula for mechanical advantage is:

A crowbar can be used to remove a nail from a board. If the crowbar has a mechanical advantage of 8, and the a force of 40 Newtons is applied to it, what will be the output force?

A. 5 Newtons

B. 320 Newtons

C. 0.2 Newtons

D. 32 Newtons

B. 320 Newtons


What process is illustrated in the diagram above?

A. codification

B. mutation

D. mitosis

C. meiosis

C. meiosis


Different forms of a gene are called



The force of attraction that every object exerts on other objects.

What is gravity?


What is the median time, in seconds, of the 6 bicycle racers?

A. 114

B. 115

C. 116

D. 118.5

B. 115

What's the difference between Cladogram and Food Web? 

A cladogram is a graphic that deals with evolution and the Food Web describes the living habits of animals. 
