True or False:
More men use Tik Tok than women.
(57% of TikTok users are female, compared with 43% men)
In the Marvel Universe, this is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick Fury
Name 1 mindful activity that helps you to focus.
Singing a song to yourself.
Deep breathing.
Item of focus to look at.
True or False:
A polar bear's fur is really white.
The polar bear has transparent fur!
This restaurant is the original home of the small, square hamburger.
White Castle
True or False:
Tik Tok is the most popular social media platform.
It is the 6th most popular.
This Avenger is an android.
Name 2 items here at Rogers that you can use to help calm down.
Stress star
Model Magic
Stuffed animal
True or False:
Seahorse babies are carried in the mother's pouch until being born.
False: it is the father who carries the babies in HIS pouch, and he carries the from 10-25 days until born.
True or False:
Tik Tok is more popular in the US than in Mexico.
(Mexico has 400,000 more users than he US)
What is Captain America's shield made of?
Name 3 things that you can do when you are angry to help you calm down.
Take a walk.
Use Model Magic or Stress Star.
Hug a stuffed animal.
Talk to a friend or caring adult.
Write in your journal.
Take a self care break.
Get a drink of water.
What is the degree to which owls can twist their heads?
1. 360
2. 270
3. 180
270 degrees
What is the most popular fast food restaurant in the world?
McDonalds (with over 39,000 locations in over 100 countries)
True or False:
In 2020, Tik Tok was the most downloaded app.
(Thanks, Covid!)
The Time Stone
Name 4 things you can do when you are stressed to calm you down.
Read a book
Color a picture.
Take a self care break.
Take a walk.
Use a fidget.
Talk to a friend or caring adult.
What is the depth to which Emperor Penguins dive to get food?
1. 1,300 ft.
2. 1,500 ft.
3. 1,700 ft.
3. over 1,700 feet (it's actually up to 1,755 feet in REALLY cold water)
What is the name of the mythical creature on the Starbucks' logo?
True or False:
TikTok is banned in India
(even though it is banned, India had 100 million app installs)
What is the most powerful object in the Marvel Universe? (comic books, not the movie)
Heart of the Universe
Explain how to use 54321 (100 points per level correctly identified)
5 things you can see.
4 things you can hear.
3 things you can touch.
2 things you can smell.
1 thing you can taste.
True or False:
Hippos can run between 15 and 30 miles per hour.