Place Value
+ and - Decimals
In 1950, the total population of the world was about two billion, five hundred sixty million people. What is this number in standard form?
What is 2,560,000,000?
What is 2.934 rounded to the nearest hundredth?
What is 2.93?
Tyrone scored 24 touchdowns this year. Each touchdown scored was 6 points. How many points did Tyrone score this year?
What is 144 points?
If $2,400 is divided evenly by 3 charities, how many dollars does each charity get?
What is $800?
$20.60 - $14.35
What is $6.25?
In 2000, the total population of the world was about six billion, eighty million people . What is this number in standard form?
What is 6,080,000,000?
Ann has one cat that is 13.6 cm tall.She has another cat that is 6.1 cm tall. How much taller is one cat than the other?
What is 7.5 cm?
Dr. Peterson works about 11 hours each day. Which of the following can be used to find the best estimate of the number of hours he works in 48 days? a. 10 x 40 c. 10 x 50 b. 9 x 50 d. 15 x 45
What is c. 10 x 50?
Which of the following shows the best way to estimate 712/8 using compatible numbers? a. 700/8 b. 720 /8 c. 730 /8 d. 800 /8
What is b. 720 / 8?
An average person's upper leg bone measures 19.88 in and the lower leg bone measures 16.94 inches. How much longer is the upper leg bone than the lower leg bone?
What is 2.94 in?
A certain machine part must be between 2.73 and 3.55 inches. Which number is greater than 2.73 and less than 3.55? a. 3.73 b. 3.6 c.2.55 d. 2.75
What is d. 2.75?
Beth worked 33.25 hours last week and 23.75 hours this week. How many total hours did she work?
What is 57?
A banana contains 105 calories. Last week, Brendan and Lea ate a total of 14 bananas. How many calories does this represent?
What is 1,470?
A prize of $820 is being shared equally by 4 students. How much money does each student receive?
What is $205?
A music store has 5,720 CDs in stock. There are 8 large display cases in the store. If each display case holds the same number of CDs, about how many CDs can go on each display case?(compatible numbers!)
What is 700 ?
Lead melts at 327.46 degrees Celsius. What is 327.46 written in expanded form?
What is 300 + 20 + 7 + 0.4 + 0.06?
Azim kicked a soccer ball 13.48 meters. What is 13.48 rounded to the nearest tenth?
What is 13.5?
The average rainfall at Mt. Waialeale in Hawaii is 460 inches per year. How much rain would this location expect to receive in 5 years?
What is 2,300 inches?
Ray walked for 9 hours to raise money for his favorite charity. He raised $225. How much money did he raise for each hour he walked?
What is $25?
In a class, 14 students will present their science projects. Each student gets to talk for 5 minutes. How much time is needed to present all of the science projects?
What is 70 minutes?
About 2/5 of U.S. households own at least one dog. What is 2/5 written as a decimal?
What is 0.4?
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is on 18.36 acres of land and the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial is on 7.5 acres of land. How many more acres of land is the Jefferson Memorial on?
What is 10.86 acres?
Which of the following is equal to 4 to the 5th power? a. 4 x 5 b. 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 c. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 d. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
What is d. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4?
684 / 6
What is 114?
Carmen, Myra, and Karl are each reading a different book. Carmen's book has 157 pages, Myra's book has 136 pages, and Karl's book has 43 pages. What is the total number of pages in the three books?
What is 336 pages?