In what way might Spain’s decision to claim land in North America be considered controversial?

Spanish explorers seized territory already inhabited by American Indians.


Which of the following statements BEST describes the importance of the voyage around the world led by Magellan?

The voyage proved that there was a westward all-water route to Asia.


Which of the following is an example of an effect of cultural diffusion in early North America?

Many American Indian groups learned how to farm.


Based on what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement BEST explains

why people in West Africa eat manioc?

Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.


How do scholars know that the Vikings had traveled to North America prior to Columbus’s voyage?

The Vikings left written records and archaeological evidence.


While sometimes quite diverse, one common theme of many American Indian religious beliefs was

the importance of one’s connection with the physical environment.


The Pueblo people used irrigation methods such as building dams and tanks to store water. They were able to grow corn and cotton on small farms. However, it wasn’t all work in the desert. The Hohokams played games on ballcourts and made beautiful art with acid-etchings on shells.” Which phrase provides the BEST example of how the Pueblo people modified the environment in

which they lived?

“building dams and tanks”


Every year, people from across the Muslim world traveled to Mecca. Muslims from North Africa, Persia, Afghanistan, India, Spain, and West Africa crowded Mecca’s dusty streets. They prayed in Arabic, the language of Islam. This regular travel encouraged trade among the Muslim lands.” Based on this excerpt from the text, how did Islam affect trade in the Middle East?

It expanded trade by spreading the Arabic language and opening up routes from many countries to Mecca.


What conclusion can be drawn about why the lifestyle of the Inuit in the Arctic differed from that of the Natchez in the Southeast?

The contrasting environments in which they lived greatly influenced their ways of life.


The rebirth of artistic and technological innovation in Europe, known as the Renaissance, was prompted by

the increase in travel by Europeans and their trade expansion.


In what way did Chinese civilization differ from other ancient world civilizations?

It was geographically and politically isolated from outsiders.


In what way did the use of the astrolabe revolutionize sea travel?

It helped ships maintain course by determining latitude.


How were the Olmec able to support a civilization and cities?

by cultivating a surplus of food that could feed a large population


What effect did Zheng He have on China’s position in the ancient world?

His extensive voyages expanded China’s trade and increased its influence on other civilizations.


What effect did the glaciers have on ancient humans during the last ice age?

They created a land bridge that allowed humans to travel from Asia to the Americas.


Discuss the role of the sun god in Aztec culture.

Sacrificed many to satisfy the god and keep the sun rising. believed they were warriors of the sun. believed their battles were similar to the suns battle across the sky each day. 


What were some of the positive and negative consequences of the Columbian Exchange in North America?

Positives: New skills, new resources, new animals, new plants.

Negatives: Diseases killed thousands of american indians, destruction of land to domestic animals 
