Japan is best described as a chain of islands, also known as this physical type of geography?
These two dynasties were a time of great works of art & literature, blending of customs, and trade with people of many cultures.
Tang & Song
A large area of grassland in Central Asia
Chinese Philosophy, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics, morality, and relationships.
In Southeast Asia these seasonal winds are what dictated merchant trade routes?
Warrior class in feudal Japan who were servants of the daimyo, and were a key part of the Japanese government.
Which invention proved to be of great value to sailors?
the compass
The Mongol empire provided safety for travelers and merchants along this trade network.
The Silk Road
Philosophy that states "to escape suffering one must seek enlightenment."
The writing system of the Korean language.
Supreme commander of the emperor's armies, who had more power than the emperor.
Song Dynasty's invention of paper currency was better than copper coins because?
Easier to use while traveling (lighter).
Would Marco Polo's writings on the Kublai Khan's court and the Mongols be a primary or secondary source?
Primary source
Philosophy that means the "Way" or the flow of nature
Who united Korea in the late 600's?
The Japanese system of syllabic writing and characters that represent sounds, is known as?
The “three perfections” were considered to be painting, poetry, and?
Why did the Ming dynasty reduce contact with the outside world?
They viewed foreigners as a threat to Chinese culture.
Which belief system spread first from India to China and then to Korea and Japan, helping to create cultural unity in the region?
What were aristocrats given during their time in the Korean government?
Salary and Land
Fact or Opinion: The samurai were responsible for the rise of the Japanese military government and should be credited with Japan’s success during the feudal era.
During the Song period, entry into the government bureaucracy was based on?
Merit (system)
The Golden Horde was a Mongol khanate that conquered and ruled which modern country
Prince Shotoku believed that both Buddhism and __________ could unify Japan.
What weakened the Koryo dynasty and eventually led to their demise?
lack of tax revenue