What would you round 178 x 12 to be?
What is 200 x 10 or 200 x 12
What is 4 x 103
What is 4,000
There are 45 cans of mixed nuts. If each can has 338 nuts, what is the total number of nuts, n, in all of the cans? (Just tell me the equation, no answer)
What is 45 x 388= n
302 x 17?
What is 5,134
What are the partial products in 367 x 92?
What are 734 and 33,030
Estimate 118 x 36
What is 4,000
What is 80 x 104
What is 800,000
There are 35 large fish tanks at the zoo. Each tank holds 206 gallons of water. How many gallons of water would it take to fill all the tanks?
What is 7,210 gallons
608 x 23?
What is 13,984
What are the partial products of 41 x 709?
What are 709 and 28,360
Estimate 127 x 48
What is 5,000
True or False: 48 x 103= 4,800
What is False
A banana contains 103 calories. Last week, Gus and Mark ate a total of 15 muffins. How many calories does this represent?
What is 1,545 calories
902 x 35?
What is 31,570
Put these decimals in order from greatest to least.
17.68, 18.4, 17.86
What is 18.4, 17.86, 17.68
Estimate 180 x 586. Is this an overestimate, or an underestimate?
What is 120,000, overestimate
True or False: 39 x 102=390
Maddie has 145 songs on her MP3 player. Tessa has 12 times as many songs as Maddie. How many songs does Tessa have?
What is 1,740 songs
360 x 48?
What is 17,280
Choose all the expressions equal to 25 x 4,060
A: 4,060 x 25
B: 20 x 5 x 4,060
C: 25 x (4,000 + 60)
D: 25 x (406 x 102)
E: (20+5) x 4,060
What is A, C, and E
Estimate 790 x 397. Is this an overestimate or an underestimate?
What is 320,000, overestimate
Choose all the expressions that are equal to 5,600
A: 56 x 102
B: 56 x 103
C: 56 x104
D: 100 x 56
E: 1,000 x 56
What is A and D
Jake ordered 1,015 baseball cards. Mrs. Ras ordered 5 times as many cards as Jake. How many baseball cards did Mrs. Ras order?
What is 5,075 cards
105 x 24?
What is 2,520
Choose all the expressions that are equal to 38 x 8,500.
A: (85 x 103) x 38
B: (30+8) x (850 x 10)
C: 30 x 8 x 8,500
D: 8,500 x 38
E: (30+8) x 8,500
What is B, D, and E