Minoan civilization was located in
What is Crete?
A polis.
What is a city-state?
Blending of 4 Greek cultures.
What is Hellenism?
Center of Greek philosophy and religion.
What is Athens?
Macedonian conqueror of most of known world.
Who is Alexander the Great?
Minoans were invaded by
What is the Mycenaeans?
An oligarchy.
What is the small wealthy elite exercises power?
Mathematician who invented right angle calculation theorem.
Who is Pythagoras?
Known for focus on warfare.
What is Sparta?
Macedonian King who conquered Athens.
Who is Philip II?
Two epic poems written by Homer.
What are the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Art of skillful speaking.
What is rhetoric?
Encouraged people to question everything.
Who is Socrates?
Northern frontier kingdom; produced Alexander the Great.
What is Macedonia?
Successor of King Darius I (Persia).
Who is Xerxes?
Attacked the Myceneans.
Who are the Dorians?
Government in which citizens take part.
What is democracy?
A fixed salary.
What is a stipend?
Monarchy; self-sustaining economy.
Developed the concept of universal 'forms'.
Who is Plato?
Introduced iron to the other civilizations.
Who are the Dorians?
Fortified hilltop with city below.
What is acropolis?
Name 1 scientific contribution from ancient Greece.
What is...?
Focused on trade, democracy, learning.
What is Athens?
Business man who discovered proof that Trojan War actually occurred.
Who is Heinrich Schliemann?