What is a polis?
City - state
The Persian Wars began due to a ______ by a Greek city-state.
revolt, rebellion
The period of cultural and economic success in Athens is known as this.
The Golden Age
Alexander the Great's conquests launched a period called the ________ during which Greek culture spread through the known world.
Hellenistic period
The King of the Gods
Who were citizens in Athens?
Free Males
What is a philosopher?
A person who searches for wisdom or enlightenment
The public space in Greek city-states used for assemblies and markets
The elite Persian military force that moved quickly due to their use of horses.
What country modeled their government off of Athens?
His father, Philip II of Macedonia, used this strategy to gain control of Greece.
conquest and bribery
God of the Ocean
Which of the main city states in Ancient Greece focuses more on War
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all ________ who used reasoning to try to gain wisdom or enlightenment.
Greece developed as separate city-states instead of a unified country because of what reasons?
Mountains, rivers, and traditions or ideas keep people separated.
Persians believed in a religion called ________ that included the belief in only one god.
What did the Greeks create to make trade easier?
Philip II of Macedonia wanted to unite the Greek city-states and destroy this empire.
God of Underworld
What is an oligarchy?
a government ruled by a small group of people
What are the three types of government according to Aristotle?
democracy, monarchy, oligarchy
A fort built on a hilltop
What were the role of satraps?
Govern provinces and maintain order.
What tools and trades helped the development of early Greek civilization?
shipping, trade, money and the Greek alphabet
This Persian king was defeated by Alexander in his conquest of Persia
Darius III
God of War
Who ruled in Sparta and was their role?
Two kings, serving primarily military and religious roles
What philosopher was sentenced to death for teaching the youth to think for themselves?
Cruel and oppressive government or rule
Sparta made a deal with this empire to receive gold for a navy.
This Greek doctor established rules for medical practice.
After Alexander’s death, what did his generals fight for?
The throne
God of Wisdom
Who were the Arts/Education most important too?
_________ believed that no one person or group should have too much of this
What type of Government did Athens first practice?
Direct Democracy
What did Persians do to link their large territory?
Built roads and established communication systems.
How did Greek historians shape the way we record history?
They tried to separate fact from fiction and checked the reliability of their sources.
What did Ptolemy create?
Library in Alexandria
Goddess of Love
What did both city states have in common?
Slavery, created coins, same religion and language
Why did Plato dislike Athenian democracy?
Common people were not qualified to make important decisions
What sea touches Greece?
Mediterranean, Aegean
What were some of the ideas expressed in Pericles speech Funeral Oration?
The importance of democracy and courage
How were comedies in the Hellenistic Era different than comedies in the Golden age?
Hellenistic comedies told stories of ordinary people.
This famous philosopher was Alexander the Great’s tutor.
Messenger God
How was Sparta and Athens were different?
Political structure, military focus, and cultural values, woman's rights, economy/trade
What skills did the Sophists teach that helped lead to the development of philosophy?
Rhetoric and debate skills