Estimate 487 ➗ 67
487 --> 420
67 --> 60
420 ➗ 60 = 7
A bakery will make 2,400 graham crackers. The graham crackers are packaged in boxes of 80. How many boxes of graham crackers will the bakery have?
30 boxes
270 ➗ 3
Estimate 412 ➗ 84
412 --> 400
84 --> 80
400 ➗ 80 = 5
It will cost a total 0f $4,350 for 15 students to go to New York City for spring break. The cost for each student is the same. What is the cost for each student?
189 ➗ 21
Estimate 288 ➗ 37
288 --> 280
37 --> 40
280 ➗ 40 = 7
A middle school needs buses to transport 188 students. If each bus carries 22 students, what is the least number of buses needed?
8 buses
432 ➗ 48
Estimate 2,964 ➗ 73
2,964 --> 2,800
73 --> 70
2,800 ➗ 70 = 40
If golf balls are packaged in boxes on 12, and I have 264 total golf balls, how many boxes will I have?
22 boxes
215 ➗ 12
17 r 11
Estimate 228 ➗ 19
228 --> 220
19 --> 20
220 ➗ 20 = 10
A factory makes 985 toy trains in one day. The toy trains are placed in boxes of 20.How many trains would I have left over?
5 trains
372 ➗ 12