6-1 and 6-2
6-2 and 6-3

#1 - Part of the calculation for 3 x 26 is shown below. What is the missing partial product? (6-1) 




There were 14 adults at the Jones family reunion. There were twice as many children as adults at the reunion. How many children attended the reunion? (6-3)

28 children


A factory produced 275 cars in one week. How many cars could the factory produce in 4 weeks? (6-4)

1,100 cars


Kai owns a rental shop at a beach club. Last year, Kai bought 6 used water vehicles for $3,179 each. How much did Kai spend? (6-5)



The lighthouse is 76 feet tall & has 99 stairs. An ocean liner is 3 times as tall as the lighthouse. What is the extra information if you want to find the height of the ocean liner? (6-6)

The lighthouse has 99 stairs. 


Denise bought four pairs of inline skates. Each pair cost $54. How much did Denise spend? (6-2)



A country has 14 deepwater ports. Each port has 6 piers. How many piers are there in all? (6-2)

84 piers


Mr. Tyler lives in Miami, Florida. He travels to Richmond, Virginia, 4 times each month for business. The distance there and back is 2,658 kilometers. What is the total distance of Mr. Tyler's business trips each month? (6-4)

10,632 kilometers


A construction company uses 1,020 nails for each house it builds. How many nails will be used to build 5 houses? How can you use estimation to check the reasonableness of your answer? (6-5)

5,100 nails 1000 x 5 = 5000 which is close to 5,100. So the answer is reasonable.


Seven students took a bus to the state park. The round-trip tickets cost $45 per student. They stayed for a few nights at a campground at a cost of $5 per student each night. Which missing information is needed to find the total amount each student spent on the camping trip? (6-6)

The number of nights they camped. 


A chain music store has 23 locations. If each location employs 5 clerks, how many clerks work for the chain store? (6-2)

115 clerks


In 1 day, Sharla collected 36 cans to take to the recycling center. If she collects the same number of cans each day, how may will she collect in 7 days? (6-3)

252 cans


An office supply store sells 605 packages of paper each month. How many packages of paper are sold in 6 months? (6-4)

3,630 packages of paper


There are 1,576 seats in each section of a stadium. How many seats are there in 5 sections of the stadium? (6-5)

7,880 seats


Mr. Lee drove 8 miles from his house to Parkside. Parkside is 4 miles south of Springfield. From Parkside, he drove 3 miles to Springdale. Then he drove 20 miles from Springdale to Brookville. How far did Mr. Lee drive in all, from his house to Brookville? Identify the extra or missing information. Solve if possible. (6-6)

31 miles The extra information is that Parkside is 4 miles south of Springfield.


Which problem best describes the array modeled below? (6-1)

____________  . . .

____________  . . .

____________  . . .

____________ . . .

4 x 13 (B)


Liz drinks 28 liters of water each month. How many liters of water does Liz drink in 5 months? Use expanded algorithm to solve. Be able to explain each step you took to find your answer. (6-3)

140 liters 

5 months x 28 liters 

5 x 8 = 40 

5 x 20 = 100 

40 + 100 = 140 liters (3 points)


Each student in Ms. Sheahon's tier group used 342 pieces of paper throughout the year. There are 5 students in Ms. Sheahon's tier group. How many pieces of paper did Ms. Sheahon's tier group use in all?

1,710 pieces of paper


7,983 x 6



Niki is 3 months old and 21 inches tall. Her father Myles, who is 25 years old, is 3 times as tall as Niki. How tall is Myles?

63 inches


A radio station played a new hit song 34 times a day for 4 days. What partial products would you use to find how many times the song was played in all? (6-1)

16 and 120 = 136 times


93 x 4



Each bicycle costs $114. The Smith family purchased 3 bicycles. How much did the Smith family spend on bicycles? 



5,603 x 6



Dry dog food comes in 6-pound bags and costs $15 each. How many pounds of food are in 83 bags? 

498 pounds
