Deadly Decimals
Funny Fun Fractions
Whole-y Whole #'s
Mixing It Up with Mixed #
Mr. Marino Trivia

When setting your work up to add and/or subtract decimals.... how should your decimals look?

What is... lined/stacked up


What is the first step you need to do when adding or subtracting fractions?

What is... find your LCD

What happens when you multiply a whole number by a power of 10? EX. 5 x 100? Or 42 x 10^3

What is... you add the amount of zeros equal to your power/exponent 


What is the first step when adding mixed numbers?

What is... find LCD

Name any animal (pet) Mr. Marino has... bonus 100 if you know the name of any animal

What is... 

Dog: Frosty

Turtles: Vinny & Lou


Which way do you jump when multiplying a decimal by 1/10?

What is... to the left (once)


What do you do when you have an improper fraction?

What is... divide


When multiplying wholes, what is the crucial step when changing from your ones place to your tens place? Ex. on the board...

What is... insert a 0


What is the first step when subtracting mixed numbers?

What is... find LCD


How many siblings does Mr. Marino have? Bonus 100 if you know the brother/sister count

What is... 2, one brother & one sister


How do you round a decimal to the nearest tenth?

What is... underline your tenth, look at your hundredth, if the hundredth is 5 or more, round tenth up 1 place, if the hundredth is 4 or less, keep tenth place the same


What do you do when you are subtracting mixed numbers and your first fraction can not be subtracted by your second fraction? EX. 4 2/5 - 2 4/5

What is... you need to regroup, take a whole from the whole number and give it to the fraction 

EX. 3 7/5


When dividing wholes by multiples of 10, what do we do with the zeros in the dividend and the zeros in the divisor?

What is... subtract


After adding/subtracting your mixed number, what should you check next? And how?

What is... can the fraction be simplified: GCF T-Chart: list factors of numerator and denominator and divide your fraction by the largest shared factor


Is Mr. Marino married?

What is... no

How do you estimate decimals when given a dollar amount?

What is... round to the nearest whole dollar. 50 cents or more, round up, 49 cents or less, keep whole the same


What is the last step before you find your final answer? How do you check if you have the final answer?

What is... simplify with a GCF T-Chart: list factors for numerator and denominator and find the largest one


When your dividing wholes, what place value should your quotient start?

What is... whatever place value the divisor can first "go into" the dividend


What is the first step when multiplying mixed numbers?

What is... multiply your whole number by your denominator and add your numerator

EX. 4 2/3 = 14/3 


What sport does Mr. Marino coach?

What is... soccer

Go to the board and write this decimal in expanded form: 740.35

What is... (7x100)+(4x10)+(3x1/10)+(5x1/100)


What are the rules of scaling as multiplication? 

Think: Scaling Factor... <1, =1, >1

What is... if your scaling factor is less than 1 then your product will be smaller, if your scaling factor is equal to 1 then your product will be the same, and if your scaling factor is greater than 1 then your product will be larger


Given this problem: "A soccer team has $2,500 to buy baseball uniforms. Each uniform costs $225.
Does the team have enough money to buy 12 soccer uniforms?"

What kind of problem is this?

What is... multiplication 


List all the steps for multiplying mixed numbers

What is... 

1. change mixed # to improper and multiply across

2. if your answer is improper then divide 

3. write division as a mixed # and see if you can simplify 


What country was Mr. Marino's grandparents born in?

What is... Italy
