The Peoples of the Americas
Europeans Make Contact
The Southern Colonies Take Root
Immigration and Slavery in the Colonies
Final Jeopardy

What did Europeans introduce to the Americas that caused the deaths of thousands of Native Americans in the 1500s and 1600s?

contagious diseases


The Portuguese took the lead in exploration in part because they developed a type of ship called the



The first permanent English settlement in America was



During the Middle Passage, slaves

became ill and died due to brutal conditions.


Which of the following distinguished the Middle Colonies from New England and the Southern Colonies?

a. prohibition of slavery

b. ethnic and religious diversity

c. peace treaties with Native Americans

d. representative government



Name the three colonial regions and their primary resources and economic activities.

New England: Resources included lumber and fish for export; most people were small farmers, merchants, and shipbuilders. Middle Colonies: Many farmers produced wheat for export; the two largest seaports, Philadelphia and New York, were in this region. South: Plantations produced cash crops for export, such as rice, indigo, and tobacco; these plantations were maintained by slave labor.


In what kind of housing did Algonquins live?



Which European nation greatly expanded the slave trade in the 1400s and 1500s?




Georgia was initially founded as a haven for

English debtors



The vast majority of enslaved Africans were sent to
a. Pennsylvania

b. South Carolina

c. the West Indies

d. the Southern colonies



Who wanted to make one of England’s southern colonies into a haven for English debtors?

James Oglethorpe


The political power of most American Indians was spread among

many local chiefs with limited authority.


The 1469 marriage of Prince Ferdinand and Queen Isabella created which nation?




The plantation economy in the South produced
a. great profits and developed great educational institutions.

b. great profits at the expense of cultural development and equal opportunity.

c. low profits despite the enslavement of a great number of people.

d. equal opportunity for all whites and no illiteracy.



After 1660, the number of immigrants from England fell because

he English economy improved and religious conflict in England diminished.


The French differed from the Spanish regarding their relationship with Native Americans because

did not intimidate or enslave Native Americans.


What group of Native Americans had a constitution that was passed down orally from generation to generation?

the Iroquois League


Who explored enough of South America to deem it a new continent?

Amerigo Vespucci 



Which colony was split into two separate colonies in 1691?


Who was Phillis Wheatley?

(1753?–1784) Phillis Wheatley was the first African American to publish a book of poems. Captured at about age seven in West Africa, she was sold to John Wheatley, a Boston tailor. The Wheatleys allowed Phillis to learn to read, write, and study. She had her first poem published in 1767 in a Rhode Island newspaper. She won praise in the colonies and in Britain for her 1770 poem about the preacher George Whitefield. However, colonial publishers refused to publish a book of her poetry. Phillis and the Wheatleys found a London publisher to print her volume of poetry, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, in 1773. That year the Wheatleys granted Phillis her freedom. She married in 1778 but lived in poverty until her death.


What was the Magna Carta? What impact did it have on English political traditions?

The Magna Carta is a document that nobles forced England’s King John to accept. The Magna Carta limited the power of the monarchy and guaranteed certain rights, first to nobles, and later to the people in general.  The document also guaranteed rights to the barons, such as the right to a fair trial, the right to own property, and the right to refuse to pay new taxes without the consent of a common counsel. 


What two leading theories explain how the first humans came to the Americas?

The land-bridge theory argues that people walked from Asia to Alaska on land exposed during the ice age. The coastal route theory argues that Paleo-Indians traveled south along the Pacific coastline in small boats.


What was the most important historic difference of Cabral’s voyage compared to the other explorers?

In 1500 Pedro Cabral set sail for India around the Cape of Good Hope, but was blown off course and landed in Brazil.  He claimed Brazil for the King of Portugal (Manuel I).  


How did colonists’ attitudes toward Native Americans lead to Bacon’s Rebellion?

Bacon led a group of colonists who favored unlimited territorial expansion, which angered Native Americans. Berkeley would not help destroy the Indians in the region, and this caused Bacon to lead the revolt against the governor.


Why did slavery become a permanent condition in the colonies?

Laws were first changed to support the permanent enslavement of Africans when a decrease in English immigration caused a labor shortage in the mid-1600s.


What were the characteristics of the Middle Colonies?

Relative to other English colonial regions, the Middle Colonies exhibited far more ethnic and religious diversity. They also enjoyed peaceful relations with Native Americans and depended on trade with England.
