Who is the first killer in the Torah
What is the Bracha for Orange juice
What are the Shalosh Regalim
Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukot
Which shevet is Moshe from
Shevet Levi
Who opened the first Yeshivah in the Torah
Shem and Eiver
What is the Bracha Ha'achrona for Grape juice/wine
Al Ha'etz
What is the mitzvah on Rosh Hashana
To listen to the shofar
Who named Yishmael
The angel
Which shevet is Shimshon from
Who is the third king of Israel from Shevet Yehuda
King Rechavam
What is the Bracha for Strawberries
Why do we eat a egg on Pesach
To remind us of Korban Chagiga
Which of the twelve tribes had a sign of a snake
Which shevet is Yehoshua from
Shevet Ephraim
Who is the Neviah that was also a Shofetet
What is the bracha for olive oil
Name three reasons why it is important to celebrate Pesach in the spring
1.) Because of the Omer
2. ) Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim in the spring and we remember his kindness for taking us out in a pleasant season
3.) Our nation blossomed in the spring, we became a nation
Moshe told Hashem to create a new death for the following people
Korach and his rebellion
Which Shevet is Shaul from
Shevet Binyamin
Who cam out to greet her father with drums and dance
Yiftach's Daughter
What is the Bracha Ha'achrona for rice
Borei Nefashot
Which Masechet tells us about Chanuka
Masechet Shabbat
In the time of Galut Bavel, Nevuchadnetzar made a giant idol made with gold and made an entire party celebrating it in which everyone in Bavel was to attend. Nevuchadnetzar ordered everyone to bow down to it, who were the three Tzadikim who didn't bow down to it and made a Kiddush Hashem
Chananya, Mishael, and Azarya
Shevet Yehuda