The first person in the Torah
Who is Adam?
What is flooding?
This person said "this idol broke the other idols"
The location for most of the Torah that we've read so far
Where is Canaan? (Where is Israel will receive half points)
The amount of days it took God to create the world
What is six?
The second person in the Torah
Who is Eve?
The act that got Adam and Eve kicked out of Eden
What is eating the forbidden fruit?
This person laughed and said "Now that I’ve lost the ability, am I to have enjoyment—with my husband so old?"
Who is Sarah?
Abraham and Sarah lie to a powerful person here
Where is Egypt?
The body part of Adam God used to make Eve
What is the rib?
The man who built the ark
Who is Noah?
Abraham did this to his father's idols
What is smashed, destroyed, or broke?
This person said "will You then wipe out the place and not forgive it for the sake of the innocent fifty who are in it?"
Who is Abraham?
The cities God destroyed
Where are Sodom and Gomorrah?
Abraham sacrificed this instead of his son
What is a goat?
The man who leaves his home because God said so
Who is Abraham?
God told Abraham to do this to his son
What is sacrifice?
This person said "am I my brother's keeper?"
Who is Cain?
The land Abraham travels to with Sarah
Where is Canaan? (Israel gets half points)
The sacrifice Abel gave to God
What is meat? (Animals is also an acceptable answer)
Abraham asked Sarah to do this when they went to Egypt
What is lie?
This character said "God knows that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good and bad.”
Who is the snake?
The place God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
Where is Moriah? (If anybody manages to get this right they get double points)
What is a dove?