His name was changed to Israel after wrestling an Angel. He has 12 sons.
Who is Jacob?
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
What is the Great Flood?
She ate the fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and evil
Who is Eve?
This is where all the food in the world was located during the time of Adam and Eve.
What is the Garden of Eden?
On this day Adoni created light and called the light day and the darkness night
What is Yom Rishon (Day 1)
He and his wife left their homeland for a land promised by Adoni. He is considered the 1st Jew. When he was told he would have a child his wife laughed.
Who Is Aberham?
Adoni scrambled the languages of all humans on earth at this place.
What is the tower of Babel?
She laughed when she was told she would have a baby at age 90.
Who is Sarah?
This is where Abraham and Sarah lived when Adoni told them to leave.
What is Hebron?
On this day Adoni rested
What is Shabbat?
Adoni asked him to build an Ark for him, his family, the animals of the Earth. 2 for all non kosher animals and 7 for all Kosher animals.
Who is Noah?
Pharoh had 2 dreams one of 7 good cows and 7 bad cows and 1 about 7 good what and 7 bad wheat.
What is Joseph interpreting Pharoh's dreams?
Jacob was tricked into marrying her.
Who is Lea?
This is where Joseph was sold into slavery and where his brothers went during the famine.
What is Eygpt?
On this day Adoni created the sun, moon, and stars.
What is Yom Ri-ve-ee (day 4)?
He and his wife had 2 twin sons. His name means laughter. He was named this because his mother laughed when her husband was told she would have a baby at age 90.
Who Is Issac?
Adam and eve eat the fruit from this forbidden tree.
What is the tree of knoiwledge of good and evil?
She brought water to the camels and the man he was with. She is Issac's wife and the mother of Jacob and Esau.
Who is Rebecca?
This is where Aberham's nephew lived. This place was destroyed due to the hatred of the people.
What is Sodom and Gomorah?
On this day Adoni seperated the waters above from the waters below
What is Yom Sheni (Day 2)
He is the son of Israel. His mother was his dad's favorite. He had a rainbow-colored coat. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. He could interpret dreams. He served in the Eygptian government leading Eygpt through a famine.
Who is Joseph?
On this day Adoni seperated water from dry land and created plants
What is Yom Shlishee (Day 3?
She was the true love of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
Who is Rachel?
This is where Aberham and Sarah moved to. This is where Issac and Rebecca lived. This is where Jacob and his family lived before going to Eygpt.
What is Cannon?
On thses 2 days god created the fish in the seas, the birds, the aninals on dry land, and humans
What are Yom Chameshee and Yom Shishi (Day 5 and 6)?