Who is Hikari?
The domain that Martha has control of.
What is Time?
The amount of time the Gods were absent from Toril
What is 2,000 years?
This geological feature sits right at the center of the known world.
What is the SaltTree?
This is the only place where you can get out of the Inner World
The End of Toril
This party member has become a Changed once again
Who is Swabby Joe?
The amount of time Martha was trapped in Chronia
How long is 1,000,000 years?
This Hero has been so thoroughly changed that they no longer have any control over their actions when on Toril
Who is Volt?
This race is the technological leader of the world
What are Goblins?
This is the creature whose skull makes up Arenam Salis
Who is Lord Ao?
This member of your little group could have defeated Orcus by themselves if they weren't so cowardly
Who is Shinbe?
The name of the spell Martha used to eat the Gods and gain their powers
This is Natalie's Domain
What is Victory?
The number of Demonic Vice Admirals in the Orcish fleet.
What is three?
This object lies at the center of the Inner World
What is a giant egg?
The number of people has Hikari murdered in cold blood that couldn't defend themselves, leaving a family broken and shattered
What is one?
The number of 9th level spell slots Martha's Soul has.
What is infinite?
This God is making his way to the surface with 12 gods to take over the world from Martha
Who is Bane?
This ancient creature was recently freed from its imprisonment and now resides on Far Peak
What is the Ancient Red Dragon?
The number of Tarrasques roaming the Inner World
What is 12?
This creature is currently in possession of the Deck
Who is Graz'zt?
This member of the party is secretly hiding Martha's corpse and has made multiple deals with her.
Who is Kaizen?
The number of years the Young Gods could shave off of Mayumi's ritual by sacrificing themselves
What is 20?
These invaders will return the second Martha is no longer around to protect the world from them.
What are Mindflayers?
The name the Inner World used to be known as before Martha twisted it beyond recognition.
What is the Underdark?