The city Tori was born in.
What is Boston
The color of Aaron’s hair when he was born.
What is blonde.
The baby’s due date.
What is May 31st
The name of a baby horse.
A foal
The position a baby is in if they are head up and feet down.
What is breech
Tori’s birth weight.
What is 7 pounds 7 ounces
What is Timothy, which became his middle name.
The hospital the baby will be born at.
What is Baystate
The name for a baby kangaroo.
What is a Joey
True or False
Babies cannot produce tears.
What is true. Babies cannot produce tears until about two weeks after birth.
The age Tori took her first steps.
What is 1 years old
Aaron’s birth weight in the closest pound interval.
What is 10 pounds.
The age Tori will be when she gives birth.
What is 30 years old
A goldfish’s gestational period.
A. 10-14 days
B. 20-24 days
C. 30-34 days
A. 10-14 days
This is how many bones a baby is born with. (More than adults)
What is 300
Tori’s first vacation location
What is Edie’s beach (Maine)
Aaron ate this as a snack instead of food?
What is sand.
Tori could not tolerate this before she became pregnant, but now it doesn’t bother her at all.
What is dairy
The name for a baby frog.
What is a Tadpole or Polliwog
Babies are born without this bodypart.
What is kneecap
This is the person I share a middle name with.
Who is my mom (Gina)
This is the cousin Aaron was born within 13 hours of.
Who is Siobhan.
This is the closest holiday to the baby’s due date.
What is Memorial Day.
The longest gestational period which is 640 days.
A. Giraffe
B. Elephant
C. Camel
D. Rhino
What is B. Elephant
This is something that babies can do, but adults cannot.
What is breath and swallow at the same time