my favorite harry styles songs.
what is golden & cherry
my fav animated movies.
what is princess and the frog and alice in wonderland?
2 shows i refuse to watch
the office and schitts creek
what is my least favorite dance i've ever been in
what are my current obsessions
butterflies and earrings
my favorite wallows songs.
what is pictures of girls and ice cold pool?
my fav horror movies.
what is us and midsommar?
my fav reality shows
keeping up with the kardashians and dance moms
who is my fav dance teacher
what is my zodiac signs
my favorite fleetwood mac songs.
what is songbird and dreams?
my favorite coming of age movie.
what is ladybird and booksmart?
my 3 favorite male characters
aaron hotchner, mark sloan, and damon salvatore.
what is my fav dance style
my fav drinks.
iced tea and vitamin water
my favorite lorde song.
what is supercut?
my favorite movies that were def made for adults but whatever.
what is shutter island and marriage story?
who are my 3 favorite female characters?
emily prentiss, cassie howard, and rebekah mikaelson.
who are like the only four ppl i speak to at dance
abby d, catie, nikki, and kayli
my fav foods ( specific )
panera mac and cheese & chic fil a
who are my top 3 singers AT THE MOMENT ( not ever)
what is clairo, SZA, and taylor swift?
my 3 favorite movies.
what is the florida project, portrait of a lady on fire, and the princess and the frog?
my 3 favorite shows.
criminal minds, euphoria, and the originals
what song did i choreograph to this week ( this was on my private story )
liabilty by lorde
what is the newest addition to my room
moving the tapestry to the ceiling