This Player wore #12 for the Patriots and Buccaneers
Tom Brady
This Game had Devin Booker on the cover for 2023 and Kobe for 2024
This NBA team is Purple and Gold
Los Angeles Lakers
The Newest sport played outside on a court but its not a tennis court
John Cena
This player wears #15 for the Chiefs
Patrick Mahomes
You Jump off a Bus to start this game
In This Sport you can get a Turkey or a Split
This Player has played for the Thunder, Warriors, Nets and Suns. He wore #35, #7 and now #35 again
Kevin Durant
This Player wore #6 for the Heat and Lakers
LeBron James
This Game has characters like Sub Zero, Liu Kang and Raiden
Mortal Kombat
This Team has been in the last 3 Super Bowls
Kansas City Chiefs
The only major pro sport to not use a ball
He is considered the Greatest Golfer we have ever seen
Tiger Woods
This Player wears #17 for the Dodgers
Shohei Othani
He Chases Rings in the Games but in the movies The Rings can teleport him to different locations
This is the Only Team in the NBA That has a color in its Name.
GOLDEN State Warriors
In this sport you can do the butterfly or backstroke
He played for the Falcons, and the Braves, the Yankees and the Cowboys, the Reds and the Ravens. His Son was the QB for the Colorado Buffaloes and is about to be drafted in the NFL
Deion Sanders
This Player wore #23 for the Wizards
Michael Jordan
This game has characters like Law, Paul, Jin, Hehachi, Nina
This team used to be called the Redskins
Washington Commanders
In this Sport, you have to throw a disc into a net.
Disc Golf
He is known as a few things. Maui, The People's Champ and now The Final Boss
The Rock