The contestant who wins the first season of the show.
Who is Owen?
The contestant that holds the nickname Geek.
Who is Cody?
The contestant Duncan is interested in.
Who is Courtney or Gwen?
The contestant who was eliminated first in season 1.
Who is Ezekiel?
The host of the puppy bachelorette.
Who is Blaineley?
The contestant who wins the second season of the show.
Who is Beth?
The contestant that holds the nickname Loner?
Who is Gwen?
The contestant Harold is interested in.
Who is Leshawna?
The contestant who was eliminated first in season 2.
Who is Izzy/E-scope?
The kid who was home schooled.
Who is Ezekiel?
The contestant who wins the third season of total drama.
Who is Heather?
The contestant that holds the nickname Obsessive Uber Fan.
Who is Sierra?
The contestant Sky is interested in.
Who is Dave?
The contestant who was eliminated first in season 3.
Who is Duncan?
The two contestants who sang β β This is how we will end it. β βin TDWT.
Who is Heather and Alejandro?
The contestant who wins season 8 of total drama.
Who is Priya?
The contestant that holds the nickname Dumb Blonde.
Who is Lindsay?
The contestant Chase is interested in.
Who is Emma?
The contestant who was eliminated first in season 4.
Who is Dakota?
The contestant who refuses to sing in TDWT so he can go home and see his mother.
Who is DJ?
The contestant that wins season seven of the show.
Who is Sue Baker?
The contestant that holds the nickname Novice of Everything.
Who is Priya?
The contestant Ryan is interested in.
Who is Stephanie?
The contestant who was eliminated first in season 5.
Who is Lindsay?
The contestant with muti-personality disorder.
Who is Mike?