
In Chapter three, what does Garvey compare Cole's life to?

a. a cake

b. a blanket

c. a tree

d. a bear

a. a cake


Why does Cole burn his first shelter?

a. His dad told him to.

b. He was mad.

c. He burned it making dinner.

d. He thought he saw a mouse.

b. He was mad.


What is an at.oow?

a. a blanket

b. a totem

c. a coat

d. a table cloth

a. a blanket


When Cole carries the rock up the hill each morning, what does the rock represent?

a. his life choices

b. his anger

c. his ancestors

d. his feelings

c. his ancestors


What did The Keeper use during the Healing Circle that symbolized respect of others and themselves?

a. a feather

b. a dreamcatcher

c. an atoow

d. a cane

a. a feather


What does Cole watch in the spruce trees?

a. squirrels 

b. his life flashing before his eyes

c. baby sparrows

d. butterflies

c. baby sparrows


Why does Cole throw the tuff of fur away?

a. No one believes them.

b. he doesn't care

c. He doesn't want to lie anymore.

d. He doesn't think he saw a Spirit Bear.

c. He doesn't want to lie anymore.


What is the purpose of Circle Justice?

a. to avoid jail time

b. to heal everyone involved

c. to heal the victim

d. to heal the perpetrator

b. to heal everyone involved


Cole had a plan to escape the island.  How was he going to do this?

a. stay there

b. wait for Garvey

c. build a boat

d. swim from island to island

d. swim from island to island


What is ultimately decided by the Circle Justice meetings about Cole's fate that we learn at the end of Ch. 15?

a. he gets to go home with his mom

b. he goes back to the island

c. he goes to jail

d. he stays at the detention center

b. he goes back to the island


What does Cole make a spear for?

a. To carve the first amendment into a tree.

b. To kill Spirit Bear.

c. To hunt his dinner.

d. To kill a spider.

b. To kill Spirit Bear.


Why do you think Cole feels "invisible" in his life at home?

a.  He is not seen or engaged with.

b.  He has a clear mind.

c.  He gives up control.

d.  He hides in his basement.

a.  He is not seen or engaged with.


What is Garvey's nationality?

a. Cherokee Indian

b. Seminole Indian

c. Tlingit Indian

d. Tuskegee Indian

c. Tlingit Indian


How often did Cole's father visit in the hospital?

a. never

b. once

c. once a week

d. twice

a. never


What did Cole learn from his whale dance?

a. The whales do not have a home; he feels like the whale.

b. The whale is graceful and gentle.

c. The whale is smart and powerful. 

d. They travel in pods.

a.  The whale does not have a home; he feels like the whale.


What did Peter say should be Cole's punishment at the circle justice meeting?

a. jail

b. getting his head smashed in

c. death penalty

d. he was too scared to talk

b. getting his head smashed in


In Ch. 6, why did Cole's mom not answer the question Cole asked her when he said "Doesn't dad beat me?"

a. She did not want to.

b. She was afraid of what Cole's dad would do.

c. She didn't know how to.

d. She didn't want to help Cole.

b. She was afraid of what Cole's dad would do.


What is a simple meal that Garvey turns into a feast?

a. fish sticks

b. hot dog

c. mac and cheese

d. turkey sandwich

b. hot dog


What totem do Peter and Cole carve to represent Cole's anger dance?

a. The Spirit Bear

b. a nest

c. a circle

d. a mouse

c. a circle


What body part(s) were broken in the mauling?

a. arm

b. leg

c. ribs and pelvis

d. all of the above

d. all of the above.


What does Cole think is the best way to help Peter at the end of Ch. 25?

a. carve

b. have him dance the anger dance

c. bring him to the island

d. soak in a pond back in Minneapolis

c. bring him to the island


"We stuck our necks out so far we feel like two giraffes."  What form of figurative language is this?

a. simile

b. metaphor

c. personification

d. hyperbole

a. simile (comparing two or more things using "like" or "as")
