Tlingit Culture
A ninth grade student who gets beat up by Cole for informing the administration about Cole's break-and-enter offence.
Who is Peter?
The reason Cole chooses Circle Sentencing rather than traditional justice.
What is, "because he thinks it's an easier consequence and it will keep him out of jail" ?
Cole beats up others, and uses intimidation to create a sense of power.
How does Cole deal with his feelings of anger and powerlessness?
This symbol is significant to all First Nation culture, and is present (if one looks) everywhere, including life.
What is the circle?
Seen as the mildest of the bully types, this bullying style is the one most used by girls, and involves name calling, isolating peers, cyberbullying, and nasty looks.
What is the Disser?
A mean drunk who has anger and communication problems.
Who is Cole's father?
The lesson ignored by Cole, regarding getting along with the Island's animals.
What is 'Everything you do to the animals, you do to yourself'?
Edwin tells Cole to turn his clothes inside-out for the boatride.
How does Edwin try to teach Cole humility?
This Tlingit word is used to describe an heirloom, often in the form of a blanket, which passed down from generation to generation.
What is an at'oow?
The most severe of all bully types, this bully likely started either as a lesser form of bully, or resulted from being the victim of excessive bullying him / herself.
What is The Potential Killer?
A scared puppet who always looks good, but never stands up for herself.
Who is Cole's mother?
This is the reason Peter comes to live on the Island with Cole to heal, soak and carry the ancestor stone up the hill.
What is, "Peter had become suicidal"?
Cole sees the seagulls eating his flesh, then moving on to eat herring and clams.
What shows Cole he's no different from any other animal?
This object is used to tell the history, adventures or significant events in the life of a person, or family.
What is a totem pole?
At the point of intervention, Cole began to exhibit characteristics of this serious form of bullying.
What is The Controller?
A Tlingit elder who is in charge of overseeing Cole's stay on the island, including delivering provisions at regular intervals.
Who is Edwin?
This event not only gets Cole off the Island right after arriving, but it also is cause for Cole's major shift in thinking about himself, others and life in general.
What is, "Getting mauled by Spirit Bear"?
This nightly ritual helps Cole learn about himself through learning and representing the animals, and telling their stories through this activity.
What is, "dancing the animal dances"?
This practice is used by Tlingit males as a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood. It is also used when one has lost their way, and needs to do some soul searching to get back upon the right path.
What is isolation?
These are the two main reasons (internal - in one's head)bullies feel the need to pick on others.
What is make themselves feel better than someone else, and get gain a sense of power / control?
A Tlingit who spent some time in solitude on an Alaskan island to find himself and learn to get over his anger.
Who is Garvey?
The first time we see that this sentence might actually work for Cole, and heal him.
What is "Cole's near death experience after the mauling and the storm"?
This event shows that Cole has truly healed, and is ready to return to society; that he waited so long to do it shows he understands it's importance to his recovery and learning.
What is, "carving the bottom of the totem pole"?
This is the reason for the presence of the white Spirit Bear on the west coast of BC and AK, as told by Tlingit Legend.
What is: "To remind people of the days when the ice caps covered the earth?"
Through mental and physical abuse of their peers, bullies are able to achieve this result of their victims.
What is control through intimidation?