Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-7
Chapters 8-11
Chapters 12-14
A poisonous plant with thistles on it's branches
What is Devil's Club?
Cole creates a weapon intended to kill the spirit bear with. What is that weapon?
A spear
Describe the spirit bear's attack on Cole.
The spirit bear broke his pelvis, his ribs, his arm, his leg, sank it's teeth into his arms and legs, and clawed his chest.
When the Spirit Bear comes back, why do you think Cole chooses not to spit on him, but instead touch him?
Cole wanted to see what the bear actually felt like, and he wanted it to trust him.
What is circle justice and what is its objective?
Circle Justice is a healing contract to help correct the wrong done by a criminal. The objective is to make the person responsible for his/her wrong doing and also to protect society from the offender.
Why did Cole's mother refuse to admit during the Circle Justice that Cole's father is abusive?
She is scared of her husband because she thinks she'll get beat too.
Why did Cole call out to see if the baby sparrows are okay? Why is this significant for Cole's healing process?
He feels sorry for them because they looked so happy with their family together. This is significant because it shows that he is starting to care about people and things other than himself.
Cole’s mother discusses how his father was beaten as a child, and she says this was a reason for him abusing Cole. How is this also a circle?
In this case, the cycle of abuse goes from one generation to the next. Cole’s grandfather beat Cole’s father, and Cole’s father beat Cole. Cole, in turn, beat Peter and it is not unreasonable to assume that Cole would have behaved the same way to his future children.
What 4 things did Edwin t ell Cole to learn while he is on the island?
1. patience 2. gentleness 3. strength 4. honesty
Describe Cole's first encounter with what appears to be the Spirit Bear.
Cole sees the Spirit Bear on the shoreline near the opening of the bay. He threatens it and throws a rock at it, thinking that the animal had none of the pride dignity or honor Edwin claimed it had. Cole believes it had no right to stare at him, so turns to get a knife to kill the bear. When he turns around the bear is gone.
As Cole lays bleeding, he thinks to himself “What luck… [t]o end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn’t have brains enough to run away.” Has Cole realized his responsibility for what has happened? Why or why not?
No, even after this attack, Cole continues to blame others for his problems, and he can’t understand why the bear was not afraid of him.
Why is it significant that Cole whispers "My fault!" when Garvey apologizes for getting Cole into this situation?
It shows that Cole is accepting responsibility and not blaming others.
What is an "at.oow" and what must Cole do with it?
It is a blanket handed down through the generations in Garvey's family. Cole must take care of it and hand it down to someone he trusts in the future.
What does Cole accuse his father of in the Circle? How does his father respond?
Cole accuses his father of beating him, but his father claims he only gave him "swats" when he deserved them.
Cole notices that the baby sparrows tried to do something before their death. What was it? How does Cole relate this to his experience growing up?
They tried to return home to their nest. Cole feels envy because, unlike the sparrows, he never really had a place he felt was a home as a child.
Why does Cole throw out the hair he pulled from the Spirit Bear when he could have easily shown Edwin to prove his story?
He feels that he always had to prove himself when he was lying, and from now one he wants his word to be proof enough.
Why is it important for Peter for forgive Cole?
Until Peter forgives Cole, Peter won't heal.
For the first time, Cole admits that he made a mistake. What was the mistake? (Chapter 5)
His anger had clouded his thinking and he failed to consider the incoming tide when trying to swim to the next island.
Cole begins to think about the circle of life. What is this circle, according to Cole, and how does he feel about his role in it?
Like the tree, Cole thinks that one lives, dies, and then rots, and out of that rotting new life sprouts. Cole starts to question how the world benefited from his life.
When Garvey and Edwin are rescuing Cole, he says that he's okay. What does he mean by this? Does he mean he's okay physically or emotionally?
Cole has come to terms with his anger and now understands his role in life's circle, thus could would appear to be speaking of his state of mind, not his physical condition.