Synonym of Bizarre
SKiff : _____ :: Diesel : Train
Why did Cole spit at the Spirit Bear?
He wanted to provoke it to attack and end his suffering
Did Peter’s dad trust Cole?
This main type of irony is when a character intentionally says the opposite of what is meant
Verbal Irony
Antonym of Savored
____ : Suspend :: Climb : Descend
Why did Cole identify with the baby sparrows?
They were helpless like he was
Why did Cole want Peter to come to the island
He wanted the island to heal Peter like it did for him
This main type of irony is when the opposite of what we expect to happen happens.
Situational Irony
Synonym of Hectic
Energetic : _____:: Sharp is to Dull
Why did Edwin tell Cole “A person is never done being mad?”
Anger can’t be controlled it can only be tamed
What happened to the at.oow at the end of the book.
Cole gave it to Peter
This main type of irony is when the audience knows the truth about a situation before the characters do
Dramatic Irony
Antonym of Rehabilitation
Fulfill : ______ :: Achieve is to Potential
What was Cole supposed to learn from carrying the ancestor rock up the mountain?
Respect for his ancestors and their struggle
What did Cole need to do to become invisible in order to see the spirit bear.
Clear his mind
Name one subtype of verbal Irony
Sarcasm OR Overstatement OR Understatement OR Socratic
Synonym of Meandered
________: Crime ::Thoughtlessness : Accident
What gave Edwin and Garvey a deep understanding of Coles Problems?
They had trouble when they were young and could relate
What did Peter do that showed he was forgiving Cole?
He taught him how to carve
Name at least two things of why irony matters when telling a story.