What literary work did Simpson recall while dreaming in the crevasse?
a) Hamlet
b) Measure for Measure
c) Macbeth
d) Othello
b) Measure for Measure
Why did Simpson push himself to move in the morning?
a) He was afraid he would die of thirst
b) He wanted to see if Yates had left any supplies for him
c) He feared that Yates and Richard were leaving camp
d) He saw a rescue helicopter nearby
c) He feared that Yates and Richard were leaving camp
What is the meaning of "snow-blind," and how did it impact Simpson’s ability to navigate?
"Snow-blind" refers to temporary vision impairment caused by the reflection of bright sunlight off snow. This affected Simpson by making it even more difficult for him to see his path, worsening his struggle to reach safety.
In your own words, explain what it means to "summon the energy" to do something.
It means to gather strength or motivation to complete a difficult task, even when feeling weak or exhausted.
Simpson led the climb up the ice wall, smashing five-foot-long _______ out of the way as he went.
Why did Simpson stop screaming from the pain?
a) He was too weak to scream
b) He realized no one was there to hear him
c) He was conserving his energy
d) He was afraid of attracting wild animals
b) He realized no one was there to hear him
What happened when Simpson reached the lake?
a) He immediately found Yates and Richard
b) He realized he was too weak to hop and began to crawl
c) He set up camp to rest for the night
d) He fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the next day
b) He realized he was too weak to hop and began to crawl
What does “recited” mean in the sentence “he laughed and recited the lines"?
"Recited" means to say something from memory, usually aloud.
What does the word "revived" mean?
restore to life or consciousness.
What do we call the series of mountains?
a range
Why did Simpson cut up his foam sleeping mat?
a) To use as insulation against the cold
b) To create a splint for his broken leg
c) To mark his path for rescuers
d) To make a seat cushion for resting
b) To create a splint for his broken leg
What was Yates thinking about while at base camp?
a) His next climbing expedition
b) Whether they should stay or return to Lima
c) How to organize a search party for Simpson
d) Ways to fix his climbing gear
b) Whether they should stay or return to Lima
What is the meaning of "circuitous" as used in the sentence "recalling the circuitous route he and Yates took to avoid crevasses on the ascent"?
a) A direct and straight path
b) A winding and indirect path
c) A dangerous and steep route
d) A well-planned and easy path
b) A winding and indirect path
What does “gorging” mean in the sentence “After gorging himself on water, he felt somewhat revived”?
a) Drinking or eating quickly and in large amounts
b) Sipping small amounts cautiously
c) Filtering water before drinking
d) Refusing to eat or drink
a) Drinking or eating quickly and in large amounts
What is this condition called? (That mountaineers often face)
Simpson was eating snow to help with dehydration
Yates assumed Gloria and Norma visited the camp to pay respects to Simpson. T/F
Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word “trickle”?
a) The waterfall had a powerful trickle that roared down the rocks.
b) After the rain stopped, a trickle of water ran down the window.
c) The trickle of wind knocked over the heavy tree.
d) The river’s trickle made it dangerous to cross.
b) After the rain stopped, a trickle of water ran down the window.
What does "spurred on" mean in the sentence: “He struggled to summon the energy to move but was spurred on by the fear that Yates and Richard may be leaving camp”?
Encouraged or motivated
What is this called?
Belay piton
What was Simpson aiming to reach? (provide the specific name)
Bomb Alley
What method did Simpson use to survive? (Mentally)
Breaking his journey into timed stages gave him a structured way to keep pushing forward, despite his pain and exhaustion.
What does "moraines" refer to in the text?
a) A type of ice formation
b) Large boulders and rocky debris left by glaciers
c) A path leading to base camp
d) A shelter for climbers
b) Large boulders and rocky debris left by glaciers
Which of the following is the best synonym for "futile" in the sentence: “Simpson realized that traveling in the dark the previous day was futile”?
ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier is called...