Why was yossi crying? (sukkah)
because the cloth ruined yossi's toy sukkah that he made!
How did avi get smaller?(#4)
Because Agent Emes threw a matzah!
How did the letters disappear?
It was disapearing Ink!
How did reuvi put all the coins so fast in te tzedakah pushkah?
He had a special magnet!
How did Benny's tzitzis get smaller? (Tzitzis)
The iron ironed it and it became smaller!
Why did they take the rebbi's? (#2)
Because they thought that then the children won't learn torah!
Why did teshuva get angry?
Because Em forgot to bentch!
How did shira, tuvia,latke get out of the pit?
Reuvi got them out with a rope!
How did the bees hit the target? (birthday)
If you color on the target a flower!
How did Agent Emes forget dayeinu (#6 & #7)
Because in the mezuzah there said hiskachecha and that means forgetting!
How did the yarmulkahs Fly of?
Becuase teh hair cutting machine was not made not to let it stay!
How did they get lost?
They fell in a pit!
How did they find rabbiman? (Tu b'shvat)
They planted a seed and he came out of it!
How did Agent emes stop joll haman from taking the papers (there are 2 answers(#11))
1: he used his pen to make a flat tire to teh car!
2: he threw his hat!
Why did eliezer want do do it by himself?
Because he thought that tuvia wasn't a good dectective!
What where Jack and Dovid building?
The Beis Hamikdash!
How did the evil mower begin to move? (Arba Minim)
Because Benny kicked a stone on the evil mower by mistake!
Why was rocky screaming? (#5)
Because he saw dr.lotov!
How was Uriel invisible?
he made a special invisible tallis that nobody could see him!
What do teh thatchkees do when Dovid and Dina come in?
They lay on teh ground as normal toys!