What NBA team has made the most franchise Final appearances without winning a title?
Answer: Phoenix Suns
Where do the Greek gods live?
Mount Olympus
Who invented the sport of basketball?
Answer: James Naismith (in 1891 at Springfield College in Massachusetts)
Name a Tovi nickname he got this past year which is a play on his last name but also means a type of massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia. It has the form of a terraced compound of successively receding stories or levels, sometimes surmounted by a temple.
Answer: Ziggurat
What is the tallest mountain range?
Answer: Himalayas
Charismatic and good looking
Name one of the two original roster NBA teams to have never changed names or moved location?
Answer: Boston Celtics or New York Knicks
Who was the goddess of victory?
What was the team famously named, that America sent to the 1992 Olympics, when professionals were allowed to play?
Answer: the dream team
What does Tovi says when he’s doing really well at something and doesn’t want to be interrupted?
Answer: Let me cook
What is the smallest country in the world?
Answer: The Vatican (Catholic center in Rome)
Answer :lie
Talk to the hand
Let someone know that you will not listen to them anymore since you don't like what the person is saying.
The first NBA athlete to win both the MVP and Rookie of the Year titles in the same season?
Wilt Chamberlain
Who were the parents of the Greek gods?
The Titans
How long is a professional basketball game?
Answer: 48 minutes (four 12 minute quarters). But an NBA game typically lasts around 2.5 hours.
What happens when Tovi brings personal belongings with him anywhere outside his home?
he forgets/loses them
What is the lowest place on earth?
Answer: This was a trick question: bottom of the Mariana Trench - we also accept Dead Sea in Israel
Yadda yadda yadda
blah-blah-blah. It is used to skip some parts of the story to get to the main point faster. The phrase was popularized by a 90's tv show called Seinfeld.
What US state has produced the most NBA players?
Answer: California
Why does Ulysses have his men tie him to the ship's mast?
Answer: So that he wouldn’t jump overboard when he heard the Sirens singing
Which college basketball teams with the most national championships?
UCLA — 11
Kentucky — 8
North Carolina — 6
Duke — 5
What is Tovi’s favorite snack food
Flaming hot Cheetos
As if
Not possible
Who was tricked into marrying Hades and living in the underworld?
Answer: Persephone
Who was the tallest basketball player ever?
Suleiman Ali Nashnush - Libyan player, 8 feet 0 inches
What is Tovi’s favorite fast food restaurant?
Answer: Subway [can also say what his usual order is]
Your clothes and jewelry are nice
Extremely or cool
Who is Tovi’s favorite basketball player (currently playing)?
Answer: Any of these answers work: Wemby, Steph Curry, Giannis, Luca Doncic.