This is the location that the daily crane inspection log should always be kept.
Where is the superintendent's office?
No crane work may occur during hours of darkness without this.
What is adequate lighting?
The operator knows how much weight the crane can lift by consulting this document.
What is the capacity chart?
True or False: The new Type 2, Class C hardhats offer protection against electrical shock.
What is false?
Tower Cranes perform a test lift at this interval.
What is daily?
Don't erect or dismantle a tower crane without this person present!
What is a qualified tower crane technician?
How do we know when it is too windy to operate the crane?
What is, consult the manufacturer's manual or leave it to the operator's discretion?
When cutting materials containing respirable silica with a powered hand saw indoors for less than 4 hours a day, what type of respiratory PPE is required?
What is a NIOSH certified N95 mask?
*APF of at least 10
*covers nose and mouth
*required anytime cutting indoors, even if less than 4 hours
Alteration of this piece of PPE is strictly prohibited: it must be used at all times on the jobsite and worn in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
What is a hard hat?
This plan must be submitted and approved prior to dismantle of a tower crane.
What is a dismantle plan?
True or false: Workers wearing prescription glasses do not need to wear safety glasses since their eyes are already protected.
What is false?
* glasses need to have side-shields, or be worn under safety glasses that protect the sides of the eyes/
It is forbidden to carry any loads over areas where what is present?
What are workers?
*without adequate notification
This type of lift requires written consent from the tower crane manufacturer to perform specific procedures when it exceeds 100% of the load capacity
What is an engineered lift?
True or False: If wearing a face shield, the worker does not need to also wear safety glasses underneath.
What is false?
*We frequently see workers that lift up their face shield, causing debris to fall into their eyes after grinding
Name the 3 main hazards/causes associated with major crane incidents.
What are:
Falling material
Overloading/structural failure
Contact with Electrical components?
Name this type tower crane that has the highest load capacity
What is a luffer?
Lightning cannot be within ______ miles of the jobsite without stopping crane operation.
What is 7 miles.
This is the ability of the superstructure to be able to rotate 360 degrees to the direction of the wind.
What is weathervaning?
Per OSHA, hearing protection is required when sound levels are above this:
What is 85 decibels?
This part of the crane is situated at the back and helps avoid tipping accidents:
What are the counterweights?
The crane cannot be used for production work without an inspection report from this person.
What is the third party crane inspector?
This is the purpose of the garden host running to the tower crane cab.
What is a urinal?
This prohibited action on a tower crane will give you a great view of the jobsite, right before you are banned from it.
What is riding the hook?
Fall Protection equipment should be inspected when?
What is prior to each use?
The crane to dismantle the FSO tower crane will be a _____ ton capacity crane.
What is 500.