The national library of medicine has developed a system for emergency responders, it’s available via a personal computer or mobile app. It provides information about hazardous chemicals including human health and treatment information.
WISER, Wireless information system for emergency responders
In relation to drugs, legalized drugs such as coffee, alcohol, and tobacco.
Licit drugs
One of the most serious and potentially lethal complications of alcohol WD is delirium tremens. They include confusion, tremors, restlessness, fever, tachycardia, and hypotension. symptoms usually start (blank) to (blank) hours after last alcohol intake.
48 to 72
Care of a PT with a caustic substance in his eyes includes
Eye wash station, NC prong section on bridge of nose and provide continuous irrigation
Ways that poison could enter the body
Absorption, ingestion, inhalation, injection
Cyanide is said to have this scent although most individuals can not detect it
Bitter Almond
In relation to drugs, illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine.
Illicit drugs
This drug a nervous system stimulant enhances the release and activity of neurotransmitters in the body, including norepi, dopamine, and serotonin. Because of this it makes it one of the most psychologically addictive drugs available.
Hydrocarbon are commonly misused in three common ways. Routes of entry.
Huffing, sniffing, bagging
Activated charcoal is giving to PTs Becasue it
Binds to the substance taken and prevents absorption
Most common cause of fatal poisonings
Carbon Monoxide
This occurs when a drug either licit or illicit is taken in excess. On purpose or by accident.
This substance can impair judgement, alter the users perception of reality, and create a realistic sensation fo images or sounds that are not present.
Approximately what % of exposure to poisonous plants involve children 5 years or younger.
Most poisonings occurs via this route
This challenge in 2018 had the participant eating liquid laundry detergent in this shape. Flannery most likely participated in this Challenge.
Tide Pods or the tide pod challenge
A term in which a higher and higher dose of a drug is needed to achieve the same effect as the first dose
This drug may result in the user experiencing synesthesia, a crossing of the senses. Ask the PT what they are doing, may get a bizarre reply such as “I was tasting the colors shining from that traffic light”
When you encounter two or more PTs sick at the same time and the same scene what two types of poising should you suspect.
CO and Food
Most commonly abused drug in the united states
This poisonous plant is used in making the drug digitalis.
An antidote is?
Something to counteract the effect of a poison
This medication used for procedural sedation, pain control and management of violent behavior is at risk of drug diversion, and a significant amount has been smuggled From Mexico into the United States.
GHB a colorless and odorless liquid know as a date rape drug crosses the blood-brain barrier quickly once ingested exerting its effects in (blank) to (blank) minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Poisoning by injection is usually the result of
Sting or bites from insects and animals