Staff Expectations
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Time that staff can use their phones

When not working (when off duty and away from campers)


What are different ways campers may communicate?

Speech, sing language, communication devices, speaking boards, nod and shake head, facial expressions and body movements


True or False: Campers can be in the pool even if a lifeguard is not around, as long as their are several other counselors around

False - there must be a lifeguard on duty for anyone to be in the pool (or other water activities)


When should we set cabin traditions?

At the beginning of the week (and include campers in the tradition-forming process)


Who will administer the campers' medications?

Only the nurse 


What is the policy regarding photos of campers, staff, and the property being posted on social media?

Counselors can take pictures of campers only if the campers have signed a waiver; no pictures with campers can be posted to social media. Pictures of staff outside on the property (not inside buildings) can be posted on social media as long as those photographed are ok with it and pictures are wholesome, appropriate, and uphold the values of the camp


Disabilities that might limit mobility

brain injury, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy


How long must we wait after we hear thunder before we let campers back into the water or back onto the high ropes course?

30 minutes


True or False: if a camper wants to talk about a personal struggle, it is up to us to give advice

False - we should focus on listening to what they want to say, and ask questions to show that they have somebody who cares


Ways to settle campers down for the night

Embers questions (with ember clap), read a book. tell a story, prompt campers to think of all the fun things they did today and get enough sleep so that they can have another great day tomorrow


What should we do if we feel overwhelmed?

Do not let the campers see us get frustrated; try to have another counselor take over your kids for a few minutes so you can take a five-minute break; start each day with a clean slate


Person-first language

Puts the person before the disability ("She has autism" versus "She's Autistic")


Safe locations for severe weather warnings

Basement of the Lodge, all shower houses (including Stern shower rooms)


What shoes are acceptable?

Closed toed shoes are recommended; sandals with back straps are also acceptable


How might we make a transition easier?

Give countdowns, play games or sing repeat-after-me songs while walking, have a helper carry your bag, knock-knock jokes - in general, make it fun and prevent boredom


Who may use the golf-carts, and at what time?

Staff may only drive the golf-carts for camp activities when they have Jess or Allen's permission


Some characteristics of Autism

Difficulty in communication, repetitive behaviors, sensitivity to overstimulus, difficulty understanding social norms, rely heavily on schedules (Is on a spectrum; "If you've met one person with Autism, you've met one person with Autism")


When discussing an emergency over the radios, how do we prevent campers from overhearing and getting agitated?

Say, "Go to alternate" (which is Channel 3), and remain calm and collected while on any channel


What should we do if a camper has a seizure?

Keep them in a place where they are safe, and move other campers if they might become agitated. Time the seizure, because the counselor should contact the nurse if it lasts longer than expected.


What are Truddies?

A group of three. For safety reasons, a counselor should never be one-on-one with a camper, but must always have another counselor around (should always be within sight of a witness)


What does TPOC offer campers?

The chance to be a kid - to have fun without being different because of their disability


What do we mean by dignity?

Approaching everyone as a person, and treating them with as much respect as possible (do not talk down to the person)


What would require an accident/incident report?

Any injury to a camper (even as minor as a bruise) should be reported. Forms can be found in the Nurse's Station in the basement of the Ledge, and should be submitted within 24 hours of the incident.


How might we combat homesickness?

Develop a routine, have the camper write a letter to home, a special craft for them to send home, ask questions, divert attention to group activity


Describe the steps of a two-person wheel-chair to chair transfer

Wheelchair will be in locked position, and chair is close to and at an angle from the wheelchair. The Lead person will be give the camper a bear hug from behind (locking wrists around their chest and pressing slightly in towards the ribs). Other person will lock their wrists under the campers knees. The Lead person will prompt the camper to give the countdown, and then the camper will be lifted and moved (and then scooted back in the chair if needed)
