Our constitution is based on this, "Great Charter."
What is the Magna Carta?
This man founded Turning Point.
Who is Charlie Kirk?
This amendment protects free speech.
What is the First Amendment?
In 2022, this country accounted for 7.5% of US exports and 16.5% of US imports.
What is China?
This man said, "We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. "
Who was Ronald Reagan?
Some Native Americans prophesied that this supposedly bulletproof man would be the "father of a mighty empire."
Who was George Washington?
Amfest 2024 has been repeatedly reported to have had this many people in attendance.
What is twenty thousand?
This man said, "Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it."
Who was Mark Twain?
These two key forces determine prices in a free market
What are Supply and Demand?
JPII promoted this principle of relegating societal duties to the most local structure capable of handling those duties in his encyclical "Centessimus Annus".
What is the principle of subsidiarity?
While Uncle Sam may seem like a play on words (U. SAm), he was in fact inspired by a real person, and became a symbol during this war.
What was The War of 1812?
Turning Point USA was founded in this year.
What is 2012?
Jordan Peterson has been opposing this pronoun-mandating Canadian bill since 2016.
What is Bill C-16?
The Fed injected $2.3 T into the economy in 2008, a rate (injected $/year) which was only surpassed in history by this year.
What is 2020?
This book by British author Alan Moore explores the final end of classical anarchy as a way of restoring power to the people when a government becomes tyrannical.
What is V for Vendetta?
First published in 1938, this character originally fought for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way."
Who is Superman?
Turning Point USA has nearly 800+ of these across the nation.
What is a college chapter?
This exception to free speech originated in the 1969 case of Brandenburg V. Ohio
What is Incitement?
While a contemporary of John Maynard Keynes, who supported big gov, this man was an advocate for the free market.
Who was Friedrich Hayek?
Plato wrote about the five forms of government, from least to most oppressive, in this famous work.
What is Plato's Republic?
Considered for the official Disney princess list, though never added, she would have been the first (and only) Disney princess to be an American citizen, hailing from Baltimore, Maryland.
Who is Jane Porter?
Turning Point's mission is to do these four things for students, in order to promote freedom.
What is to identify, educate, train, and organize?
Even though section 4.4.2.a suggests otherwise, free speech is protected under this section of the OSU student code of conduct.
What is section 3.2?
In 1807, Thomas Jefferson made this act, hoping to leverage it against England, but he only succeeded in devastating the American agrarian economy.
What is the Embargo Act of 1807?
Thomas Hobbes wrote about the relationship between government and governed in his work The Leviathan, discussing this contract.
What is the social contract?