He killed Goliath and later became king of Israel.
Who is David?
This visionary man left his home and possessions in Jerusalem following the Lord's command and led his wife and children into the wilderness in route to the promised land.
Who is Lehi?
He was Jacob's (from the book of Jacob) father?
Who is Lehi?
After being thrown in a pit by his brothers and sold into slavery, then being thrown in jail for allegedly trying to assault Potiphar's wife, he rose to second in command in Egypt after correctly interpreting Pharoah's dream.
Who is Joseph of Egypt?
The last survivor of the Nephites, he wandered alone avoiding the Lamanites for over 30 years before burying the gold plates at the Hill Cumorah.
Who is Moroni?
He was Moroni's (not Captain Moroni's) father.
Who is Mormon?
He led the Hebrews out of Egypt, parting the Red Sea on the way, and brought the 10 commandments down from Mt. Sinai.
Who is Moses?
Who is Alma the Younger?
King Noah had this prophet put to death.
Who is Abinadi?
He was the father of Mosiah, the last king of the Nephites.
Who is King Benjamin?
After tricking him to carry the plates of brass to where his brothers were hiding, Nephi made this man an offer he couldn't refuse to join them in the wilderness.
Who is Zoram?
Known for his great strength and epic hair, he killed hundreds of Philistines with a donkey's jawbone, but was undone by Delilah who he shared the covenant that gave him his great strength and turned him into the Philistines.
This Lamanite prophesized the signs of the birth of Christ on the walls of Zarahemla unable to be hit by the arrows that were shot at him.
Who is Samuel the Lamanite?
He was Nephi’s Father in Law.
Who is Ishmael?
Who is Elijah?
This Nephite assassin killed not only Amalickiah, but later his brother Ammoron though he himself was caught and killed during this final successful attempt.
Who is Teancum?