The theoretical foundations of this model is rooted in ideas of self-determination, control, and choice.
The Leisure Ability Model
These are the three areas of TR services in Health Protection/Health Promotion Model.
Activities, recreation, and leisure.
In Functional Intervention of Leisure Ability Model, he primarily controls the intervention.
The Specialist.
The four areas covered in this Education are leisure awareness, Social interaction skills, Leisure resources and Leisure activity skills.
Leisure Education.
This is the main focus of the recreation component of the Health Protection/Health Promotion Model.
Intrinsic motivation.
This is the ultimate outcome in the Health Protection Model as a component of quality of life.
Health promotion
This model consist of four service areas that are diagnosis, treatment, education, and prevention.
The Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery Model.
In the prescriptive activities service area, this is the amount of control that the participant have over the process.
Little control.
This is the main focus of Leisure Education in helping participants develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
Help participants.
According to the ecological model, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation are the delineated role of this profession.
The Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS)
These are the foundations on which the Aristotelian Good life Model is based on.
Aristotelian ethics and values
This is the range of control and functional status in the Health Protection/Health Promotion Model.
Minimal to optimal.
This is how Functional Intervention of Leisure Ability Model is considered in a service area.
These are the immediate goals in the Leisure and Well-Being Model.
Leisure experiences and strengthened resources.
These are the aspects of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation that the TRS focus on The Ecological Model of TR.
Individual and environmental levels.
The four elements of this model are Selection, Optimization, Compensation, and Evaluation.
Optimizing Lifelong Health Through TR Model
Functional Intervention, Leisure Education and Recreation Participation. These areas of service of this model.
Leisure Ability Model
This is the primary focus of the Treatment service area in the Outcome Model.
Remediation of deficits in health
This is how leisure is identified in the Continuum Model.
Area of functional capacity.
This refers to engaging in leisure that maximizes the leisure experience.
Smart leisure.
Carruthers and Hood developed this Model and this is considered as the ultimate outcome of this model.
The Leisure and Well-Being Model, Well-being
This is the overarching goal according to the Leisure Ability Model.
Improve health, well-being, and quality of life.
According to the Outcome Model, this is the focus of the Education service area, and the skills, attitudes, and values are participants assisted in developing.
Assisting participants and assist them in developing skills for improved health and a higher quality of life.
It happens once a participant is stabilized using prescriptive activity.
Ready to move to the recreation component of treatment.
This is how the role of the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS) is determined in the Aristotelian Good Life Model
By the functioning of the participant.