What is Imam Jamil's real name
H Rap Brown
What is the capital of Australia
how many and what are the names of the books of hadith
Bukhārī (194-256), Abū Dāwūd (202-275), Muslim (206-261), Tirmidhī (209-279), Ibn Mājah (209-273), and Nasā'ī (215-303).
What was the name of Ustadh Faheem's session
Why YM?
how do you spell yunus's last name
Which politician flaked on the democratic party and switched sides this pasts election
Tulsi Gabbard
This Chinese martial artist is famous for his movies, such as "Enter the Dragon.
Bruce Lee
where was imam bukhari born
Name all the YM Atlanta NN Coordinators in order
What is the YM national coordinators full name
Omar Haq
Which scholar authored "the book of healing"
Ibn Sina
Where and what is the second highest mountain in the world
K2 in Pakistan
What was Umar Ibn Khattabs assassins name
Abu Lu'lu'a
Hafiz Muhammad Mahmood
What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
What is the famous cloned sheeps name
Dolly the sheep
Who made the Taj Mahal
Shah Jahan from the Mughal Empire
the Surah where most of the names of prophets are mentioned
Surah Anbiyah
Where did Br. Faraz Iqbal do his first muhassaba
Teaneck, New Jersey
Q: What is the highest-grossing animated film of all time?
the lion king
What is imam abu hanifas *full* name
Numan bin Thabit bin Zuta
What country is known as "Land of a Thousand Lakes"?
Name every prophet
Zunair is wearing a shirt from this YM retreat and year
Northeast 2018
Q: What does HTTP stand for?
A: Hypertext Transfer Protocol